American Idol, Top 24

Feb 25, 2011 11:49

So we have our top 24, and there are quite a few I like with a definite favorite to win, and definite favorite girl and boy. And a few I don't like. Of course.

My thoughts on the 24 behind the cut. )

american idol, tv, lauren alaina

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Comments 8

eolivet February 25 2011, 17:37:27 UTC
Television Without Pity hates everyone except Casey Abrams. Shocker, I know. ;p It's interesting...they've only preempted "Glee" for a week, so I almost think it has to be "highest amount of votes goes through." Unless they'll do one-hour performance shows at 9 for the remaining two weeks. Hmmm...

Aww, man...your favorite is my least favorite. :( Something about that girl just bugs -- I don't deny her voice is amazing. But I don't like how she plays up to Steven Tyler, and to me, she gives off a very entitled vibe. I didn't watch S1 until midway through, so I never saw "behind the scenes Kelly," but Kelly always seemed sweet. Lauren seems...calculated. IDK ( ... )


arabian February 25 2011, 18:00:41 UTC
TWoP hates almost everyone? No, you don't say!

You think she comes across as calculated? She's only 15! (Well, 16 now.) I don't mind her playing up to Steven because she only did it twice and the first time was only because they asked her to sing a second song, and since she'd already made it through, she wanted to sing a song of an actual Idol of her sitting in front of her. And the second time was in the group, and the other two girls did it too, as well as plenty of other contestants throughout the run.

Kelly is very sweet, and Lauren has the same vibe. I'm so sorry that you don't like her. :( Maybe she'll win you over in the live shows.

Zorilla's wardrobe is FANTASTIC! And Brett is amazing.

Interesting you think Durbin might not make it into a top 10...he sort of disappeared after Hollywood week 1... He's VERY polarizing.And that's why I think he might not. I can't imagine that he's not polarizing. I'm sure that half the Adam fanbase is creaming over him, while the other half is hating him for trying to outdo Adam ( ... )


eolivet February 25 2011, 18:13:25 UTC
You think she comes across as calculated?

I do -- it's not just the Steven Tyler thing, but the "cousin with cancer" thing (though that thankfully hasn't been brought up lately). I was better with her during Hollywood solo round, and then group round came up and my issues came up all over again. ;p

When I can just listen to her sing (like Hollywood solo rounds), maybe that'll be better. But I kind of feel like she's being shoved down my throat, and I don't like that. :/

I'm sure that half the Adam fanbase is creaming over him, while the other half is hating him for trying to outdo Adam.

Ha -- actually, I think close to 100% of the Adam fanbase hates him, for trying to be an Adam imitator when he is not the Genuine Original. ;p I wish he wouldn't have namedropped Adam like that -- you don't want to invite those comparisons willingly. Wait til the judges bring it up. :/

can I take a moment to preen that I was so right that Simon Cowell was SO NOT the make it or break it of this show?!You may, you may. :D I'm so happy to be proven ( ... )


arabian February 27 2011, 12:49:44 UTC
I don't even remember the cousin w/cancer thing, and I just can't blame her for it -- especially since it hasn't come up again. That's the show selling the sob story.

I think close to 100% of the Adam fanbase hates him, for trying to be an Adam imitator when he is not the Genuine Original.

Can I say that I actually am pleased to hear this? Loyalty's a good thing, yo! Though, I do get why he mentioned it first, better call it out before others do it in a negative way, I guess.

I wasn't thinking of you specifically, but the hordes of people who said so, and I just couldn't fathom the idea that one judge (no matter how popular) was that important on a show where millions upon millions of people take the time to pick up a phone and vote. That voting had nothing to do with Simon, but with the contestants.


badboy_fangirl February 25 2011, 18:44:24 UTC
I like Brett because he's obviously the NICEST KID EVER! I can't get over how sweet and kind and just totally awesome he is.

I like James Durbin for the same reasons you explain--he's like Adam, but I like him better for listening to. But I loved Adam. He is such a nice person, and I always really liked him, and wished I liked his singing more. Plus, for James, I'd love to see someone with Autism do well. He could inspire a lot of people with his condition. But that's just the "story angle" person in me. *g*

As for the girls, I don't really have a favorite yet, but I'm keeping my eye on Thia. She's stood out to me all along, so I was glad she made the top 24.


arabian February 27 2011, 12:50:41 UTC
Brett is adorable, and I LOVE his voice.

Durbin is very polarizing, so it will be interesting to see if he makes it. And I do really love Thia's voice.


lavendergaia February 25 2011, 19:18:11 UTC
Yay, I love all the Lauren Alaina love on my flist! And Casey Abrams, he seems awesome and I want to give him a hug.


arabian February 27 2011, 12:51:20 UTC
Glad to know there are others out there who like her too! I was getting worried it was just me and my sister.

Casey is really talented!


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