I need some cheering up (life sucks, ya know!) so ....

Aug 02, 2010 12:14

if you have one (more than one) ... post a picture of your pet, share an amusing anecdote! Make the world smile! (Or just me, LOL!) Here are my three babies.

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real life, cats

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sarcasticcheese August 2 2010, 16:31:44 UTC
This is my Samwise

I got him from a rescue organization a little over 4 1/2 years ago. He was a puppy mill dog, a little skinny, well socialized, but had no idea what to do with toys. He was the best $200 I ever spent, he's my child and I can't imagine my life without him.

He's still not big into toys (he only has one that he plays with and he doesn't do it very often or for very long), but is addicted to Greenies. They are his crack.

An anecdote? Hmmm. Sam's mortal enemy is the squirrel. If he's outside and one happens to come into his yard, he will chase it all over the yard, barking at it, as fast as his short little legs will take him. He's ferocious. And it's hysterical, because he's so little (about 11.5 pounds) and is so laid back, that when he moves that fast it's nearly shocking!

And he loves the sun.
Fricking Embedding didn't work


arabian August 2 2010, 16:37:46 UTC
Aww, you officially made me smile. Well, Sam did. Loved the twinkling chimes while he squirmed in the hot grass, basking in the sun. And good on you, rescuing him (Ian would be proud, LOL!).

Dogs and squirrels, so hysterical the way they are! HEE!


sarcasticcheese August 2 2010, 16:46:47 UTC

I will always go rescue now. There are just too many good dogs (and cats) that need homes. I'm actually thinking about getting Samwise a companion, and will most definitely do rescue again.

Also, your babies are beautiful!


arabian August 2 2010, 16:53:50 UTC
Thank you. I haven't gone to rescue homes, I actually just rescue them myself. Doyle I did get from a friend, but Burl and Dakota (who was a wee baby -- couldn't have been more than 8 weeks) were abandoned, starving on the streets.


sarcasticcheese August 3 2010, 12:39:00 UTC
Awwww, that is so great! :) I love kitties too, but have developed allergies to them in my old age. I used to live with two of them and was fine, but as soon as I moved out, they flared up. They're manageable though, I just get sneezy and itchy eyes and Benadryl works just fine.

I actually went through Petfinder.com and found Sam that way. The rescue organization was very thorough (I had to fill out an application, go through an interview and an initial meeting with the foster mom and Sam). I beat out 4 other families to get Sam. :)


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