an icon meme from
1. Reply to this post with the word PIRATES (or NINJAS) and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.
These are the icons that
isiscaughey chose
This is actual CBS artwork done for the Monday Night comedies last season (see the full image
here). I just loved how they had Sheldon and Penny in the Leia/Han Solo position since they were the couple from Star Wars, and frankly, I just thought it looked cool. So, yeah, iconage. :)
Abraham Lincoln is my hero, period. I own over 10 books written about him, and there were at least 10 more that were lost (sob!) in a move. I have a one-sheet poster on my wall filled with Lincoln quotes. I can recite "The Gettysburg Address" at the drop of a hat (and why I was so tickled pink when Ian Somerhalder referenced being able to recite it wearing vampire fangs at Comic Con recently -- and then started to do so!). I think Lincoln is, as my quote says (from Edward Bates) "very near being a perfect man." He did not believe in slavery (to be fair, he was of the mindset -- still scandalous back then -- that Africans should be shipped back to Africa, but he did not believe that one man should own another human being), and yet he did not put his personal stamp on what was best for the country; fortunately, the best for the Union was eradicating slavery. He was a wise man, a funny one, who held peace and forgiveness in his heart. I just adore him.
While Nine is my Doctor, and I prefer (just the smidgen) Nine/Rose to Ten/Rose, I still love Ten/Rose and for me, it's not about one or the other. Rose loved The Doctor, period, regardless of his incarnation, and so I wanted an icon that showed all three. I played around with different promos from series 1 and 2, and came up with this manipulation.
Seriously one of THE easiest icons I've ever made. Like many on my flist (and considering how the servers were hit, around the world!), I loved Dr. Horrible, and I wanted to make an icon that I could use for it, Neil Patrick Harris and Joss Whedon. This was the picture I used to icon. I threw my first texture over it, went through layers, hit upon exclusion (I think), and this was the result. I loved it right away. Took me all of two minutes (if that) to make this one. Awesome!
I love me some Russell T Davis. SO MUCH. I wanted an icon that reflected that love, so I searched google images, and this caricature popped up on the first page and it was just SO Rusty that I had to grab it. I went over-the-top with the hearts and flat-out declared my love because my love for Rusty is so strong and true!
Allison Janney is simply one of THE best actresses, like ever. I've been a fan since her days as the scene-stealing maid, Donna, on Guiding Light, but it wasn't until I finally broke down and watched all seven seasons of The West Wing that I realized the full power of her awesome. DAMN! This woman is amazing. I've since seen everything she's done, and she is never not transcendent. Seriously, simply the best.