Sheldon/Penny Fic Recommendations

Apr 10, 2010 13:51

I've been meaning to do this forever, and so here it is. :) A few notes: The only fics listed are completed, and, yes, I have a few of mine listed because I do genuinely like how those came out. Also, it's not complete yet (I want to re-read some stories still). Anyhoo, behind the cut ...

Sheldon/Penny Fic Recommendations )

sheldon/penny, fic recs, the big bang theory

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Comments 13

misskoum April 10 2010, 21:32:44 UTC
I have some reading to do!


arabian April 10 2010, 23:32:20 UTC
You should enjoy yourself. :)


sorryno April 11 2010, 06:29:31 UTC
YAY for recommendations! Will be sure to check these out :D


arabian April 11 2010, 15:20:47 UTC
I hope you enjoy them. :)


(The comment has been removed)

arabian April 12 2010, 00:04:17 UTC
Yeah, it is. Fortunately for me, I've been reading since the influx of crazy lotsa fanfic began so I'm pretty caught up. Yay!


elffriend26 April 11 2010, 21:46:04 UTC
Hey Thanks for the rec! I see some of my favourites here too. Will go through this list to find some new faves. Thanks!


arabian April 12 2010, 00:04:50 UTC
You're welcome, that's one of my favorite stories. :)

Hope you find stories to enjoy.


brandyleigh April 12 2010, 05:06:28 UTC
Thanks for the recs - I got behind on reading fic awhile back, and I never really caught up because there was so much of it being posted.


arabian April 12 2010, 07:10:59 UTC
I hope you find stories you like. :)


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