American Idol, top 8 Girls (aka KATELYN! CRYSTAL!)

Mar 09, 2010 21:36

Top 8 girls -- as long as Crystal and Katelyn are safe, I'm happy. (Oh, and about the bootees last week, the four that went home were the ones that I absolutely expected to go home.)

Katie Stevens - Hell to the NO! You are not singing "Breakaway!" And to start with: YOU SUCK!!! Okay, eolivet, you win, I officially can't stand her. Do not be messing with my 2nd favorite Kelly song of ALL TIME!!!!!!!! UGH. God, this is ghastly. Oh, my beautiful Kelly, you make it sound so effortless and easy, and then someone else tries to sing your songs and they reveal just how truly awesome YOU are. You said it, Randy! No, Ellen, she sucked. Period.

Verdict: She's going home.

Siobhan Magnus - I don't think she'll ever be a favorite of mine, but she finally picked a song that I feel truly highlighted her vocals perfectly. She was fantastic, sold the song, and sang it pretty damn well. Beautiful, beautiful performance. RE: The judges, I think she should have gotten way more praise this time than she did the last two weeks. Whatever, Simon, STFU.

Verdict: She's flying through.

Lacey Brown - I admit, I do like her voice. She's kinda crept up on me, I'd like to see her make it through because I think she's got the interesting quirk that I feel is fake and affected with Lily. Lacey feels real. I like her, and this was lovely, lovely performance. I think she's my third favorite girl now.

Verdict: I think she may make it; I hope so.

KATELYN EPPERLY - (Carole King, heh. She's so my Brooke of this season.) I just love her voice, her tone, her phrasing, her .... aaaaaaaahhhh!! I love her. Screw the judges, she's awesome.

Verdict: She'll get through, but these fucktard judges are not helping. Grrr.

Didi Benami - Pre-performance, come on, Didi, BRING IT! I shouldn't like her because her voice is just a tad too quirky/nasally for my taste, but there's something about her, and it was out in full-force tonight. That was fabulous; I adored her phrasing and delivery of the vocals. She added a unique touch to it. Sorry, Lacey, you're back in fourth place. If they don't like it, really, REALLY screw the judges. Ugh, stupid Randy, but the rest of the judges, I'm with.

Verdict: Iffy, simply because she's been near the bottom, and it was an older song, but she did wonderful. I will be quite bummed if she doesn't make it through. Depends on the rest of the night, but if even one other non-fave falters, I think she'll be okay.

Paige Myles - Three words in, and I just thought "beautiful." And she's singing the song correctly, tremulous with sorrow held just back, because *that* is what the song is about. But she's still kinda boring. Sorry. And now she's belting. This is *not* a belting song. Sigh. And it really was going well. Nope, she's just ruined it. Ah well. I agree with Randy, but Ellen was wrong in what the song is about, it's about smiling in the face of sorrow, not just smiling. Yes, Simon, horrendous arrangement.

Verdict: Based on that performance and last week's horrendous Kelly-cover, she should go home. I think she may. Again, she should. So, yeah, Didi should be safe now.

CRYSTAL BOWERSOX - I don't care if it's predictable, Crystal doing Tracy Chapman?! Awesome. (But I do want her to step outside of her comfort zone -- which she will with the themes ... and she will continue to be AWESOME!) DAMN! This girl can sang! I LOVE HER. Sorry, Katelyn, Crystal just got her #1 spot back.

Verdict: She's final-two bound, baby!

Lily Scott - Oh, hell no, she's touching Patsy Cline!?!? UGH!!! Seriously, I can NOT stand her. She makes me want to punch her through the television screen. Give me Archie and Adam at their worst combined, and it's better than her. I can't even finish listening to her assault my ears with that ghastly caterwauling. And, of course, the judges kiss her ass even though they bitched about Katelyn, ugh! (Note, I wrote the last line twenty minutes into the show. Only Simon didn't quite go all the way, but close enough.)

Verdict: Flying through, of course.

crystal bowersox, american idol, tv, katelyn epperly, kelly clarkson

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