Fic: The Moonlight Cooties Infection

Mar 01, 2010 12:50

Title: The Moonlight Cooties Infection
Author: arabian/JenniferH
Summary: A meteor shower is the perfect setting for a first kiss.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 10,757
Spoilers: A general knowledge of all three seasons thus far. Brief specific spoilers for the Pilot, "The Adhesive Duck Deficiency," "The Maternal Congruence," "The Bozeman Reaction ( Read more... )

sheldon/penny, fic, the big bang theory

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Comments 2

brandyleigh March 4 2010, 06:30:00 UTC
This was lovely! I loved Penny being interested in the meteor shower - such a romantic setting for a first kiss. And I'm glad that Leonard, Howard, and Raj were going to go get Sheldon off the roof when the door was broken - I feel like if this were an episode of the show, the guys would be content to leave Sheldon on the roof and laugh about it. Luckily for Sheldon he's got Penny to keep him company.

Great story and a great and believable first kiss!


arabian April 17 2010, 04:22:23 UTC
Thank you so much. Aww, I think you commented on this when LJ was having trouble sending notifications because I never saw this before. Thank you. :)

(Oh, fyi: I think you might be interested in my sp_bd.)


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