Fic: 'Pièce de Résistance'

Jul 12, 2009 01:49

Title: Pièce de résistance
Author: arabian (JenniferH)
Spoilers: “The Pancake Batter Anomaly” (Sorta)
Rating: G
Word Count: 429
Disclaimer: Penny and Sheldon belong to CBS/Warner Bros. *Sigh* More’s the pity.
Note: This is the prize for htbthomas whose request was: “I think this time I would like a drabble with the prompt: singing.” I went a tad over 100 ( Read more... )

sheldon/penny, fic, tv, the big bang theory

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Comments 6

la_tante July 12 2009, 06:52:06 UTC
are you kidding? this is freaking ADORABLE!!!!!!!! omg.


arabian July 12 2009, 06:55:55 UTC
Aww, thank you.

Do you watch The Big Bang Theory?? I wrote two other S/P fics and made a music vid, not to mention, I help to mod THE MOST AWESOME FANDOM ever (that is growing at a ridonkulous rate! Seriously, when I joined in early December, 53 members. Now? 1044!! Yeah, baby!!) It's sheldon_penny.


la_tante July 12 2009, 07:25:02 UTC
oh yes i love bbt. think it's the best sitcom going (it beat out this season of himym by a mile). and i love sheldon/penny and have been watching your comm for awhile. congrats on the numbers! did you read that amazing yuletide fic by annakovsky? the failure of einstein's universe. it pretty much took the cake for me. anything else you could rec that's that good? *drools in anticipation*


arabian July 12 2009, 07:37:43 UTC
I don't remember that fic. I did find it in the rec post, so I'll check it out.

I'm actually going through and rereading fics and marking my absolute favorites now, but I don't have the list now. In the meantime: Here's a rec post that includes the fic you liked so you'll probably find others you like.

Top of my head, I recommend EVERY story that cereal has written.


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