Cliff, Shag, Marry Meme

Mar 21, 2009 15:44

1) Comment to this and I will give you 3 people.
2) Post this meme with your answers.
3) Provide pictures and the names of 3 people.
4) Label which you would marry, shag, and throw off a cliff.

I stupidly volunteered to do this in isiscaughey's journal and she was truly cruel giving me Mal, Logan and Rose. COME ON!!!!!!! Sigh. Okay, here goes ...


Logan. When I thought about it, he was the easy choice for this. (A) You still get to shag him and you know he's great in bed. (B) When he loves someone, he loves them absolutely and devotedly. (C) He's rich.


He's poor, has major commitment issues, is constantly on the run, so he's not a good prospect for marriage, but for a shag?! Oh yeah.



Rose. {{Sigh}} I had to pick one of the three and since I'm not even remotely inclined to go gay that left Rose as the one to throw off the cliff. I'm sorry Rose. (But I'm cheating slightly because I already made a deal with the Doctor to be waiting with the TARDIS to catch her before she falls too far, so they can run off and shag and marry.)

doctor who, meme, firefly, veronica mars

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