Some thoughts on
American Idol. I'm really bummed that stupid bikini girl likely helped in taking Rose Flack out. Yes, yes, she forgot the lyrics a bit and that was why, but dangit, I can't help but blame stupid Katrina. I know that Rose wasn't the best singer, but she made me FEEL something and I really liked her. Oh well. As for Jasmine Murray -- who was also in that group -- for the first time, I liked how she sounded likely because for the first time she didn't sound like she was singing through her nose.
Still liking Anne Marie Boskovich and I'm glad she made it through. I'm also happy that Nick Mitchell (aka Norman Gentle) made it through. I wish we heard him, but at least he made it through another day.
And, sadly, I've found the one they are going to slobber over that I don't like: Adam Lambert. I'm sorry, he can sing, yes, but he sounds like a girl and I just, I don't like him. But I can already tell he'll make it through with flying colors and he's going to be super-duper popular. I don't know, maybe I'll change my mind. It's happened before.
Top Chef -- I can't believe they sent Jaime home over Leah. Honestly, the only thing I can guess from that is that something more is going on with Leah and Hosea? Because even NOT taking into account the previous weeks, just this dish -- Jaime knew what she did wrong, but couldn't fix it because of time contstraints. Given fifteen more minutes, she would have corrected the dish, whereas, Leah's would still have been wrong. I just, dunno. I do not know.
I'm resigned to Stefan winning now, but he IS a great chef clearly, so that's fine. Going back a few seasons, while I really, really wanted Sam to win because I lurved him, I would have been fine with him NOT winning had a clearly superior chef won. Not only did a superior chef not win, neither Ilan nor Marcel were close to Sam in talent and THAT'S what pissed me off. They kept the drama over the talent. And that's partially why I'm frustrated with Jeff over Fabio, because Jeff, based on ALL we've seen, is a superior chef to Fabio. And this episode, Jaime is CLEARLY a superior chef to Leah. Gah.
What I am happy about is Carla's turn-around. I was cracking up with her during the quickfire challenge, and then she kicked ass in the main challenge, more than Fabio (and I wish the judges had made that more obvious) hitting the challenge. Based on the comments we heard in relation TO the challenge, it was Stefan and Carla and that was it. Fabio's dish was great, but it wasn't Ripert's dish. Stefan and *Carla* hit the mark much closer. Still, I like seeing her up there in the winning circle and I am tentatively hoping that she'll make it top four, maybe even top three!!! :D :D