Some people just can't help it...

Aug 02, 2007 16:25

So, apparently, there's some who are freaking out about my last post. I've talked to my roomates, tried to explain the situation to them, but I feel like perhaps everyone should be in on where my situation stands.

There are 5 options, with some permutations that I can take come January 1st:

1. I can return to Northwestern University, through the School of Social Policy and Secondary Education, pursuing a Social Policy/Religion double major.
1a. I can also begin taking classes at Oakton in Fire Science as a Paramedic. This is dependent on the same factors as 2.
This option is availible to me if the following conditions are met:
1. I want to return to Northwestern (things need to change, in myself and in the way I build the structure around myself, but this is option #1 for a reason)
2. My parents are willing to financially assist me in paying for school.(Unfortunately, I'm on much the same tightrope that Steph is in this matter, and it's causing some problems)
3. I was a student in good standing when I left.(I think this is fine from my conservations with Mary Desler, but Dean Wiemer has the final say on this one)
4. I am able to obtain adequate support systems for my return to school.(Unfortunately, this probably means cutting and trimming from my life, and then adding positives, but I haven't decided what form that will take yet)

2. I can leave Northwestern, and take up residence at another Illinois University, pursuing 1a:
This option is open to me if I can:
1) Convince the state of Illinois that I am a resident, after having continously habitated here for 12 months in September.
2) Emacipate myself from my parents
3) Get a job in the Chicagoland Area that has reasonable hours/pay to allow me to pursue an education in the meantime.
4) I can connect with a mental health provider that is adequate to my needs.

3. Extend my service at YCC another 3 months, up to another 15 months:
This option is open to me if:
1. All of 2 is completed, as being away from Northwestern for two years kills option #1.
2. I can convince my boss to keep me for that length of time.

4. I can take my grantwriting/proffessional experience, and get a full time job in Chicago:
This is an option if I can:
1. Find a CAREER that will accept a "some college" applicant(a lot freaking harder than you'd think) and pay me a living wage.
2. Find a job opportunity that allows me the option to pursue further educational opportunities in the relatively short-term.

5. I can return to Washington State and pursue my collegiate life:
This option is open to me if:
1. My application and career opportunities are availible to me in Washington.

This is listed not so much for people to comment on, although come find me in person and I'm more than willing to hear what's on your mind, but to just inform people that the last post that I made is not %100 cemented in my mind, and that I didn't just come up with it on the spur of the moment.

As a rather rapid change of subject, I watched American History X recently. Amazing movie. As a fun little psychology experiment, I'll list the movies/scenes that occurred to me while I followed the thought process above:

American History X
A Beautiful Mind
Good Will Hunting
Saving Private Ryan

That's all for now, and anyone who has any questions, my phone is usually on.
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