Nov 05, 2005 22:22
hey guys. can i get a holla for chamomile? friday night i hung out with a kind of new group of people and it was a really good change of pace from the fretting turmoil of "them." large groups of people talking a lot intimidates me. i don't know what to say. so i feel sad and left out. i saw an old friend at pizza on dubuque, and it was really nice to see how much he's changed. and yen ching, i believe it is called, is a great chinese restaurant. and they have a nice big smiling buddha at the entry to greet you. it was funny because they were almost closing when we ate there and so all the workers sat at a big round table and ate huge buckets of leftover chinese food and it was funny. they were kind of like squirrels. and we're kind of like pigs. i think i'd rather be a squirrel than a pig. so also tonight i went over to alex's house and we played monopoly with karl, ate food, spoke french, and read children's stories together. i love her. and karl is amazingly funny. i've been reading a lot of edward gorey lately, as all you regular arababy live journal checkers may have noticed. he is quite the genius. and then there's lots of end-of-tri schoolwork and staying up late and violin playing and socializing, while still attempting to pursue my own interests. even right now i should probably be reading for english. a sophomore in high school should not be required to think about schoolwork on a saturday night. today was the "first annual cross country football game." what a bunch of shit. those guys don't know how to have fun. i'm oppressed. bowling!!! was a great time last year. i am wary to predict how this year will turn out, but... sometimes when people end a sentence with a conjuction you don't know what they were going to say.
lately satisfying live journal entries have seemed daunting to write. i have overcome my fears and grown into a more mature and cultured young man. but definitely not civilized.