Baby you can drive my car

Nov 23, 2011 18:47

1. Today, I went to buy winter tires and have them installed (oh the joy of living in Coldcanada land of snow!), only to be told that my car already has winter tires, and pretty good ones at that miss! Okay. Well, thank you, sir! You just saved me $850. The thing is I had no idea I was driving on winter tires. I bought the car last summer! Why did it have winter tires on and how come no one mentioned this to me when I purchased the car? Anyway, I thought it was pretty funny and showed just how much I know about cars and stuff. XD

2. I'm going out of town this weekend. I'm meeting a good friend for a spa retreat. Very excited about it, especially since I haven't seen my friend in a long time. :)

3. In related matters, I'll be driving 3 hours away and then 3 hours back, which means I'll be spending a lot of time in the car, which means I'll need things to keep me entertained and awake! If anybody out there is willing to contribute anything, songs, mixes, recordings of yourself singing, ranting, reading fic, talking about whatever, I would be eternally grateful...

i love my friends, shiny trip!!!!, yay snow?

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