Jun 28, 2009 02:32
It is important to have purpose in ones' life, I believe. In part, this is achieved by questioning constantly--to take nothing for granted and accept only the reality which one observes. In line with this questioning of action, before I would permit myself to throw my rantings onto the internet, I first must answer the eternal question: "Why am I here?"
Writing is a therapy. Sharing is a balm. Looking within oneself and finding the words to express those inner emotions, and then casting them into the anonymous void of the internet is very much parallel to talking things out with a shrink one doesn't know and doesn't have to pay to visit. Sometimes, I just need to write to clear my thoughts. Sometimes, I just need to let the whole world know what I'm thinking. Opening and scribbling on a livejournal permits me both of these conveniences.
I used to write on facebook, but that held the disadvantage of being non-anonymous. I had friends and acquaintances fretting over my mental health and stability, when all I was doing was dredging out the dark thoughts of my mind's recesses.
So without removing too much of that delightful anonymity, let's get to know me better, shall we? As of this writing, I am a 21-year old unemployed male college student in Southern California. I study Computer Science, after a brief and unsuccessful stint as an art major, due to a lack of talent.
As my sub-header also states, I also think far, far too much. I want to know who I am. I want to know why I'm here, where I'm going, and why I should go there. I want to know the reason I'm alive, and what compelling reasons there are for keeping this life I've been given. And that's just the big stuff; there's still all the nuances I get to deal with every day.
And life is in the details.
So hello, world. Thank you for taking the time to read about my humble worries and insignificant life. Perhaps I can provide amusement in between all the deep brain-scratching.
Oh who am I kidding. I'm gonna do a lot of emo and situational humorously prattling. You just wait. And see.