Feb 03, 2006 08:33
hiya....sorry i havent updated the last few days...ive been really super sick....like monday i went to work n thts when it really hit me cus for lunch i slept in the truck....then when i got home i took a super hot bath...got out passed out on the couch n dident wake up till wensday....well suposable i did my mom says but i dont remember...wensday was the first day i tried to walk to the bathroom i needed assistance on getting there :(....i finally was drinkin water on wensday too.....thn thursday was elizabeth's bday part n i tried to go...i was there mayb a half an hour bfor i called my dad to come pick me up...i thn passed out agian....o ya n bfroe i tried to go to lize's b day i tried to eat somthing...was the first thing i had eaten ...i got a lil down.....im so tired of getting sick n missing work...but my boss tells me stay home get better!...i ache all over from laying on tht couch all tht time...i tried to eat some soup today...dident work out.....
well im off to go back to sleepy land
peace love n harmony