С головой ушел в важный материал, из которой выйдет одна небольшая статья и более широкий репорт, скорее всего.
И похоже упустил из виду эскалацию между Ираном и Саудовской Аравией, которая решила присоединить к себе Бахрейн. Иран резко возражает, заявляя, что речь идет о 14-й провинции Ирана, которую он потерял в 1971 году благодаря шаху. Никому не удастся так легко проглотить Бахрейн, заявляется Спикер парламента Ирана.
Более подробный английский текст, что под катом,
взял отсюда - During a parliamentary debate, Speaker of the Parliament Ali Larijani said: "No one can easily swallow Bahrain." Parliamentarian Hossein-Ali Shahriari continued: "Bahrain was Iran's fourteenth province until 1971 and became independent following the Shah's treason and the parliament's shameful rule... If something must happen to Bahrain, this country is rightfully the Islamic Republic of Iran's and not Saudi Arabia's... I demand all politicians of this country to pursue this case. Bahrain must be handed over to the Islamic Republic of Iran and not to the Al Saud clan..."
- 190 parliamentarians sign a letter of protest against Bahrain-Saudi union:
- "The devout and honorable people of Bahrain, in particular the theologians, the youth and lionesses of Bahrain have during the past 15 months demonstrated that Islamic honor, national sentiments, their clenched fists and their shouts of 'Allah is Great' are stronger than the cumulative powers of the aggressors and the occupying forces, especially Saudi Arabia. The blood of the Bahraini Shi'a prevails over the swords of the invaders. And the proof of the defeated Peninsula Shield Force is the Pakistani mercenaries who were deployed to this country. All those who assault Bahrain, suppress the innocent people of Bahrain, martyred tens of people, wounded hundreds and imprisoned thousands of others still have not managed to... crush their will of steel... Today, Saudi Arabia, following this scandalous defeat, has decided... to unite Bahrain as an independent Islamic-Arab member state of the United Nations with Saudi Arabia... Saudi Arabia and the rulers of Bahrain should know that this unwise move will doubtlessly strengthen the unity and solidarity of the Bahraini people who will face the occupiers and will transfer the crisis of Bahrain into Saudi Arabia, which will further destabilize the region and increase the existing problems. We, the deputies of the Great Iranian nation, apart from condemning this unwise move, stress that you can't calm the nations with force and political pressure, and we declare our support to the brave people of Bahrain and for the territorial integrity of this state."