Возможно "процесс пошел" не только для нас или

May 12, 2011 17:25

между молотом и наковальней, меж двух огней, между Сциллой и Харибдой, - кому как звучит.
Рецензия книги, которую прочел бы с интересом.

The devil and the deep blue sea
History’s most important sea
Economist, May 5th 2011
The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean. By David Abulafia. Allen Lane; 783 pages; £30. To be published in America in September by Oxford University Press.

Вырежу-ка я последний абзац обзора, который, возможно, многое может объяснить в событиях происходящих "вокруг Средиземноморья". Какие могут быть прогнозы...

An even less healthy dynamic connected Europe as a whole with north Africa: the European Union absorbed some of the Maghreb’s surplus labour, while helping to prop up the region’s authoritarian regimes. Both those political ecosystems are now collapsing, with the euro-zone crisis, the advent of Arab people power and the war in Libya. The crises present a challenge to both regions; the Maghreb needs to loosen political control and strengthen its institutions and Europe must support such moves, both politically and economically. Failing to seize the opportunity may result in the flow of desperate people northward becoming uncontrollable. That may not be so unusual when set against three millennia of conflict in the Med. The worst outcome would be for Europe and north Africa, both losing relative weight in the world, to reinforce one another’s decline. That would be a lamentable fate for the “Great Sea”, invoked in a Jewish prayer which gives this book its title.

Арабский мир, библиотека за горизонтом, Европа, рецензии

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