Since I don't have a WIP that is 7 pages this is from the 7th paragraph of one my current WIPs.
Among slaves it was considered extremely rude to ask after another slave’s scars; that information was deeply personal. Some felt that it was akin to speaking ill of the dead.
“Your Burning Out,” Alaina asked in a clear, calm voice, “Who botched it so badly?”
Jared stiffened next to her, but then his head snapped around to her and he looked at her with wide, startled eyes. Good - she’d thrown him. His armor of cool detachment was now cracked. Alaina wanted to crack it further, wriggle her fingers in the crevices of his shell and break it wide open, to know everything about this young slave.
This is from my Oracle!Jensen fic that is yet unnamed and is being written for
skeletncloset. Also I don't know who has been tagged and who hasn't, but if you haven't been tagged and want to play, consider yourself tagged! Go forth and meme!