Mar 22, 2014 22:11
I think I'm going to wrap myself in bubble wrap and become a recluse. Okay, not really, but after today I was considering it. I was excited - I really was. Lissa and I were going to be meeting up with our good friend M at the brand-new Hobby Lobby in Lakewood. On the way there we were almost creamed by this d-bag who suddenly decided to make a U-turn from the right-hand lane of the street we were on (it's a three lane street). Thankfully due to Lissa's quick reflexes we were able to avoid an accident, but only barely (he literally stopped about 6 inches from the side of our car).
A few minutes after that, we arrived safe and whole at Hobby Lobby. I'm still on crutches at least when I have to walk a lot so I took them with me today. My friend M, about halfway through the shopping trip, procured a wheelchair with a shopping basket attached and pushed me around the store in it. Lissa carried my crutches. All was fine until I tried to get out of the wheelchair once I was done shopping, One of the employees wanted to be all helpful, but she bumbed the heavy metal shopping basket -- it swung up to allow the person to get in and out of the chair -- and while I was leaning forward to get out of the chair the employee hit the basket and it swung back down, landing full force on my head.
I swear it knocked me cock-eyed. My right eye was looking at Lissa who was standing on my left and my left eye was looking at the employee who was standing on my right. It took me a moment to come back to my senses, and now I have a lovely knot on my head by my hairline and it's probably going to bruise. I could tell the employee felt absolutely terrible for nearly concussing me and so I assured her I was alright (once I got my eyes back the way they were supposed to be).
I'm not normally this accident prone. On the plus side I found the fake leather fabric I was looking for at Hobby Lobby for the corset I want to make and it was 30% off so I just bought an entire yard. Then we went up to Renton to check out the Uwajimaya there and I bought some mochi, which I was craving. Yum!
overdramatic in the attic,