The picnic was a blast and on the second trek around the lake we took it nice and slow and I snapped way too many pictures with my phone. Here are the results of me trying to be all artsy and stuff.
I love these columns. I wish I'd gotten a better picture of them.
Another "artistic" shot - this is the park bench we usually make it to before we have to take a break.
That tree is huge. I'm glad I got those other people in the shot to lend some perspective.
New growth on plants. I love how it's all new and bright.
Mossy rocks next to the lake.
I think it's pretty cool that they only allow kids to fish in this lake to keep it from being overfished.
We always called these plants honeysuckle growing up - I don't think that's the official name but they have a stem that you can break off and drink the sweet nectar from the flower.
All the cat-tails have gone fluffy.
Tried to get a close-up of these perfect little dandelions and white flowers that are growing all over the place.
I think these are fiddle-head ferns, but don't quote me on that, okay?
This log is sturdier than it looks. Batz wanted to balance on it and try to walk out to where there were turtles basking in the sun. I (barely) managed to dissuade her.
The little pavilion where we had our picnic dinner.
Apparently, Nature loves a good phallic symbol as much as the rest of us.
The view out the back of the pavilion.
I really like how this one turned out. You can see the path we walk on that circles the lake.
This little guy stalked us all through our dinner, just waiting for us to "accidentally" drop him food. There are signs in the park that say not to feed any wildlife, but we're rather "clumsy" eaters, lol.
Love the shadows in this picture. It brings to mind a lyric from a Neko Case song: "I love your long shadows and your gunpowder eyes". . .