Apr 28, 2011 10:58
I'm back at work after 2 and a half weeks' holiday. So far I've been opening post and reading emails, and procrastinating of course.
My thoughts are everywhere at the moment. I want to do a write-up of Alliance of Traitors (the three-part roleplaying game I've been to the past 3 years). I want to do a write-up of Maelstrom. I want to re-start my WoW blog. I want to get through my work emails without throwing a wibbly when I have to explain about the future uncertainties. I want to clear out some of the crap from the library. I want to tidy up lots of stuff at home. I want to catch up on webcomics. I want to sit in a cafe with a laptop and look as if I know what I'm doing. I want a coffee. I want all these wants to translate into actually doing some of them. I can't do all of them at once, so I ought to try to do something as a first step...