Title: Of Dark and Dismal Fate
northeto Rating: K
Spoilers: Post New Caprica
Summary of lyrics used as a prompt: The first, that she be spared the pain,/That comes from a dark and laughing reign. (Gaeta’s Lament)
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I’m just borrowing BSG and it’s characters for a bit of fun, and snatching a line from Gilbert and Sullivan.
Of Dark and Dismal Fate... )
Comments 16
This is a beautifully done observation of this facet of Laura's character. There is no doubt that she had sound reasons for choosing to isolate herself emotionally but that makes them no less frustrating for Bill. He badly wants to be there for her and fears for what this unwillingness/inability to examine what she has suffered personally, instead of insisting on looking at it through the wider prism of the effects of events on the people of The Fleet as a whole, is costing her.
Interesting stuff. Thank you.
Thank you for the lovely review. I'm glad you enjoyed this.
Me too. That's fodder for another drabble or longer fic, I'm sure.
It's chilling to think about what might have happened to Laura in detention and how awful things must have been on New Caprica.
Nice drabble!
New Caprica was no picnic, that's for sure.
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