I know I said I was done with this, but I felt I needed to use it one last time to get my point across.
Today is a sad day.
Today is a day that shall always be remembered, and one I'd love to quickly forget.
We are no longer a nation remotely on a path of unity. We are a nation divided and a nation scorned and I am not happy calling myself an American.
I have never felt as patriotic as I did yesterday and I've never felt as idiotic as I do today.
This will shape the rest of time and for that, I am shamed to have been a part of it.
In the next four years, sacrifices will be made, claimed to be for the better good, and a call will be made for Americans to unite regardless of shifted power and loss of control.
The money we are saving now will go to pay for a fake war for predetermined reasons and no logic.
The election is over and there is a need to unite and act like one nation, but how can I unite to support this man?
I leave you with an image that pains me to look at - a mosaic compilation of photos of those lost in the fictitious war this fictitious President started in Iraq.
Behold and weep.