you know that place between sleep and awake? that place where you still remember dreaming?

Feb 25, 2008 22:27

i had a strange dream a couple nights ago and forgot to write about i can only remember a couple of snippets. i think i had it on friday night, which was the night i swaggered home drunk as a skunk after the Antiseen show, and passed out almost immediately.. the parts i can remember consist of:
being parked in my car, in a huge parking lot.. a random teen-aged black boy comes up and starts to get in the back seat of my car, on the passenger's side. (which is funny cuz my car's a 2-door.) i warn him to get the fuck out. he says nothing and proceeds to sit down and starts to lean toward me. at that point i opened my door and kind of half-stood up and yelled to my father, who for some reason was also in the parking lot. first i tried to scream, "DADDY!" but my throat was scratchy and little noise came out at all. i tried again and again and finally it came out and he heard me. dad starts charging toward the car and the boy gets out and runs away. i got all the way out of my car and closed the door and ran... somewhere...
...this is where it all gets fuzzy....
the next part i remember is trying to go back to my car, with a couple of friends, i cant remember who was there now. i said something about being parked near D. when we go back though, my car is not there. i start FLIPPING out and scowering the parking lot for my car. i started to think that i had left my keys in the car when ran away from the black guy, and that my car had been stolen, and then the water works came. i was furious and distraught all at once and then finally i saw my car. seriously, this parking lot was huge. i woke up with tears in my eyes.
and thats all she wrote. weird.
here are some of the connections to real life that i can point out: my car is like home to me now. i mean i have a house to live in, but my car is where i feel most comfortable, because no matter where i am, as long as i have my car, it will feel like home. so losing it would turn my world upside down, moreso than just losing the most valuble thing i own.
i went to visit my dad about a week ago, so i guess thats why he was in my dream. he hasnt really "come to save the day" for me in a long time, though. but its always comforting to know that he would at the drop of a dime.
oh and when i went to the show earlier that night, i rode with some friends and they lived in this huge apartment complex. the parking lot wasnt huge but each building was like 3 regular apt buldings long. and they lived in the D building.
and i have no idea where the black kid cam from. thats probably just from years of living in durham and becoming paranoid. lol....

ok imma go drunk @ the mule for a bit. peace
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