May 09, 2007 22:00
im uber disappointed.
two days ago my friends ashley and steph went to devog for my friends and family week and got their hair done.
only they didnt get what they wanted, they got what the teachers thought was good.
steph 100% was against getting any blonde, she left with choclate borwn hair and a shitload of blonde streaks done by my friend jenn.
my friend ashley wanted red and blonde higlights buuuuut she left with just blonde because red is "hard to work with, it bleeds" yah k tard.
today kerrie came in and ive seen kerrie sad on multiple occasion due to something ive done but nothing as bad as after she realized what she agreed to.
she had planned to go back to her orange natural redhair so she wouldnt dye her hair every month. nope. too complicated apperently...
she came in for red, and she was at an awful bleach gold colour, and left with a really nice dark brown.
but you could just see the disappointment in her face. kerrie was near tears and i was sooo beyond bummed because you could just see her huuuuge disappointment and sadness at her hair.
its a gorgeoooouuus colour, it just wasnt what she wanted, or her really.
soooo now ive promised to reddo her hair because i feel awful.
its effn crap.
dvog sucks, dont get your hair done there ever. k thanks bye.