From Tinchen The BBC says the average person will have only have read 6 of the 100 books below. Put an X next to the ones you have read. Total each section as you go along... ( Read more... )
Lists which collate entire series (complete works of Shakespeare, Harry Potter) into one item annoy me. Also, having Hamlet separate from Shakespeare's complete works? What?
Yeah, cause my list would have been totalled higher if I could count all the Shakespeare that I have read, even if I haven't read it all. But it's just something I picked up to pass a little time since I wasn't sleepy enough for bed yet. Though I had a good night sleep and I'm still logey, what the heck?
Yeah, well have you read the first two pulizter prize winning novels??? That brings me up ;) Whatever, I've read lots of other books, but it's nice to have ideas for some new ones to read.
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