Anyone else?

Nov 08, 2011 09:33

So I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year...anyone else? I've got a H/D fic in my head that's been there at least a year that I need to get out.

I'm doing really well at almost 17k, but need to keep that motivation up. If anyone is doing NaNo and wants a buddy, I'm under the same name. :D


I've also submitted a fic for the kirk_mccoy holiday ( Read more... )


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chyldofeternity April 28 2012, 16:28:24 UTC
>.> *pokes....prods....nudges*

So....what happened to these fics you mentioned hm? NaNoWriMo? And the eagle_bigbang fic?? I want to reaaaaaaaads!


aquila_star April 28 2012, 18:20:51 UTC
Ahh yes, unfortunately the Eagle BB fic didn't come together as I'd hoped...otoh, it is complete and soo close to being ready. I'll try to get it up this week, just for you. ;)

The Nano fic is incomplete...I did win that month, but the fic will be longer than 50k. ;) That one will take longer, but I'll get there. :D


chyldofeternity April 28 2012, 18:29:26 UTC
WOO! Eagle fic!! Is this one AU as well? Gimme some teasers! I NEED INFO! *clings to you and grins innocently*


aquila_star April 29 2012, 01:47:35 UTC
Yes, it's AU...they've graduated to college, lol. It's in a different universe. It involves flirting, cooking and more flirting. ;)


chyldofeternity April 29 2012, 12:02:44 UTC
*flails* Oh dear lord I need this! You have no idea!! *Sits infront of the computer and waits*


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