Anyone else?

Nov 08, 2011 09:33

So I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year...anyone else? I've got a H/D fic in my head that's been there at least a year that I need to get out.

I'm doing really well at almost 17k, but need to keep that motivation up. If anyone is doing NaNo and wants a buddy, I'm under the same name. :D


I've also submitted a fic for the kirk_mccoy holiday ( Read more... )


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elfflame November 8 2011, 18:55:52 UTC
Added you. Sounds like we're at about the same place, count-wise. I'm just trying to keep to at least 2k a day, and so far so good. Usually by now I've fallen behind a little. Or I'm starting to. Hopefully that won't happen this year...


aquila_star November 8 2011, 23:45:09 UTC
I've set my personal goal at 75k, which means 2500-ish a day, and I'm gonna have to crank it up a notch. It's coming along nicely. though, plot wise. :D

Good luck with yours, I hope you can keep to that pace this's my first and I'm interested to see how I manage. :D


elfflame November 9 2011, 06:18:48 UTC
Wow! That's amazing! Good luck with that. I've never failed 50k for NaNo (this is my fifth time, I think. Sixth...something like that) but the one time where I didn't even start. I was actually considering trying two separate fics, but I have another fic due this weekend, so not going there. May make it to 60k, though.

I hope you manage! I absolutely love the forums, though they're terribly addictive.


aquila_star November 9 2011, 08:24:27 UTC
Yeah, I try to keep myself to once or twice a day on the forums. :D Otherwise I will be there way too much.

I wrote a 100k word for for The Eagle fandom in May, so I know I can do it, it's just a matter of getting it done. This fic will be well over 50k, probably closer to 100k as well, so I'll have to put it aside until after the Eagle Big Bang is done. That need only be 15k though, and I've got 6k in the bag already .

Holiday exchanges are great, but oh, the deadlines. :P It's a good think I work well under them ;) I'm going to be doing Nano every year, I think, it's a great motivational tool for a fic writer who has too many distractions without a deadline. :D


elfflame November 9 2011, 08:29:51 UTC
*nods* I spend most of my time on there before November starts, to be honest. I do love the dear character threads, and the shoutouts--especially when I'm ahead.

Wow! I actually still need to see the Eagle, though even from the commercials, I could see how slashy that was... :D

They are. I actually got in my only fest fic before Nano started, but I have Daily Deviant each month, so I didn't quite manage that and my fest fic and the fic for last month as well, but I'm nearly done now, at least.

I love Nano. It's proved to me that I can really do this. So far I've only done one original, but that's more about getting a whole story I can manage. It's just so easy to do fic, because you don't have to do as much setup. Definitely good for the discipline, though.


aquila_star November 10 2011, 20:05:06 UTC
Yes, the Eagle may be the slashiest movie that ever slashed. lol. It's lovely.

NaNo has been good for me too. I already know I can write that quickly, The Lonely End of the Rink was my 100k written in May and it might be my best story ever. It's not about that this month, it's about getting a story down that's been percolating in my head for far too long, before someone else writes the idea. XD

I is very good for discipline. :D


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