Here we go again...

May 01, 2011 22:58

I've been sucked into a new fandom. It was rather inevitable, actually. I mean, when you consider that The Eagle is the gayest non gay movie that ever gayed, and the main character's name, it was bound to happen. I mean, Marcus Aquila? Dude, it's just too perfect. XD

Anyway, I'm loving the movie and looking forward to reading the book, because the characters and time period are intriguing to me, especially Esca, but I just had to post a lol about the fates giving me my very own fandom. I mean, I've been Aquila for what, 6 years now? lol!

Right then, watch the movie and enjoy the intense eye fuckery, pretty scenery, and Roman skirts. heehee.

life, the eagle

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