Music Meme

Mar 25, 2006 01:35

Okay, so the point is to put your music on shuffle and write a line for the first 25 songs,(so kill me, I did 30...I just liked the songs that came next, yk?) one that hopefully doesn't not have the song title in it. Then you make your friends guess them. Sounds good eh?

[ ] Your imagination's having puppies.

[ ] A barroom ain't no place to run and hide, from thememories of a love that said goodbye.

[ ] Never has there been and never again will there be another you.

[ ] I'm giving in, it's a little self indulgent, but right now that's okay.

[x] A tragedy with more damage than a soul should see.

[ ] This has gone on so long, I realize that I need something there to rely on, something for me.

[ ] There comes a time in every ones life when all they can see are the years passing by, and I have made up my mind that those days are gone.

[ ] No ones gonna jerk me around once I get my feet on the ground.

[x] No sweet perfume evern tortured me more than this.

[ ] I should have known better, I shouldn't have wasted those days, and afternoons and mornings I threw them all away.

[ ] Between who you are and who you could be, between who you are and what you should be.

[x] Another day, another dollar, another war, another tower went up where the homeless had their homes.

[ ] I woke up last night calling your name and feeling the blame baby.

[ ] Is it too much to ask I want a comfortable bed that won't hurt my back

[x] I will go down with this ship, I won't put my hands up and surrender.

[ ] I been stone for 3 years now cause the one thing stronger than the whiskey was a shot of her holding our baby girl.

[x] But they say it'll work out fine, was it all a waste of time, cause I knew, I knew I'd loose you.

[ ] Most everybody got seeds to sow, it ain't always easy for a weed to grow.

[x] Unravel me, untie this cord from the very center of our union, it's caving in, I can't endure, I am the archive of our failure.

[x] Our mountains are very pointy, our praries are not, the rest is kinda bumpy, but man do we have alot.

[ ] Held in the beam of a light of though we shared, shone betweeen two shores.

[x] Then when no hope was left inside on that starry, starry night, you took your life as lovers often do.

[ ] You tell me you'd kill me if I ever snob you out, that's what you expect from me like that's what I'm about.

[x] At home, drawing pictures of mountain tops, with him on top, lemon yellow sun, arms raised in a V, the dead lay in pools of maroon below.

[x] Broken bottles under childrens feet, bodies strewn across the dead end street.

[ ] An event that systematic would get you hated, it's not a deal or a test or a love of something fated.

[x] And in a startled voice he says to what's before his eyes, lad I don't know where ya been, but I see ya won first prize.

[ ] I have squandered my resistance for a pocketful of mumbles, such are promises.

[x] I'm walking down the line that divides me somewhere in my mind, on the borderline of the edge and where I walk alone.

[ ] Dressed in his sombrero and kilt, with his bagpipes and maracas, playing away for his supper, boiled haggis and nachos

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