Torchwood Fic. Yes, you read that right...

Jul 31, 2008 20:24

Title: Mornings with Jack
Rated: R
Length: about 900 words.
Summary: Jack's alarm clock goes off.

Author's Note: K, this is my first Torchwood fic. I was encouraged to write it by Myst, Ash, mlg and Noo (

nikki4noo) from the Torchwood forum, among I caved. But, this is a good thing...cause I've been planning on writing a little coda to Something's Started that you all may be interested in, now that I am in the mood for writing. Consider this the appetizer before the Harry/Draco banquet. Uhh, yeah. On to the fic.

Bright sunlight burst through the blinds, leaving stripes of light across the rather large bed in the middle of the room, but despite the burgeoning brightness the occupant of the bed was oblivious. He slept on, blissfully unaware that the day was beginning without him. He was far too sated with the efforts of the night before to notice that his lover had risen from the bed more than a half hour before. Instead, he was sprawled out on the bed, long limbs thrown in every direction as if to conquer every portion of mattress in some primitive territorial claiming ritual. Truthfully, the territory was already claimed, well and truly, the proof in the tentative clenching of his well used buttocks as he shifted, thrusting one lean leg out from under the coverings. The movement displaced the sheet so that it rested just above the curve where back became arse, preserving some semblance of modesty, if not much. The stripes of sunlight on his back highlighted the smooth slopes of bunched muscle under gold skin. He snuffled into the pillow, restless even in repose.

The scene was peaceful, utterly serene until CRACK! The sudden sound of a hand smacking his arse broke the silence and Jack yelped, jumping back from a grinning Ianto who was standing by the edge of the bed. One elegant eyebrow was lifted in amusement as he placed a steaming mug on the bedside table, the rich, fragrant scent of the coffee filling the air.

“No time for a lie in,” Ianto said sternly, though the expression on his face belied the tone of voice.

“Yes, sir,” Jack said, his voice muffled by the pillow he had reburied his head into. He let out a frustrated growl, but pushed himself up anyway. “You're a cruel man, Ianto Jones.” he accused, turning to lean back against the headboard and reaching for the mug, uncaring that the sheet had slipped off him entirely. “That's not a very nice way to wake someone.”

“I brought coffee, didn't I?”

“Mmm, and for that I will be forever grateful.” Jack replied, taking a sip and then closing his eyes to savour the fine brew.

“I long for the day when you appreciate me for more than my coffee,” Ianto said, deadpan, but Jack could see the corner of his lip lift slightly as he tied his silk tie into a crisp knot.

“Oh, that's not fair,” Jack said, setting the mug on the table once more as he stood and stalked his lover. He watched his approach in the mirror Ianto stood in front of, wrapping his arms around a slim waist encased in grey wool.

“I appreciate your body too,” he said with a leer, leaning down to suck the skin of Ianto's neck into his mouth, while his hands wandered across chest and hips.

“Don't I know it,” Ianto said, ducking his head and twisting in Jack's arms to escape his questing mouth and hands. “None of that now, we need to get to work sometime this morning.”

“Oh, you're no fun,” Jack growled, reaching forward and grasping Ianto's lean hips, pulling him close once more.

“And you're insatiable,” Ianto replied, but he let himself be manoeuvred and wrapped his arms around Jack's naked body, sighing when Jack buried his face into Ianto's neck, nuzzling and nipping up to his lips. Ianto returned his kiss with fervour, opening wide to accept Jack's questing tongue and pressing back with his own. He found his hands drifting down, grabbing handfuls of bare arse and pulling him closer. He squeezed, pulling the cheeks apart, moaning at the warmth he felt between them, wishing they had time for another round before they were due at the Hub.

But they were running late already. Jack didn't sleep often, but when he did he tended to do it with the same intensity he did everything else...smacking him on the arse to wake him wasn't just fun, it was necessary. Jack was hard to wake up when he finally fell asleep.

Ianto pulled back, regretfully letting go of Jack's warm, naked rear.

“Jack, we need to go,” he said, still trying to convince himself. Or rather, trying to convince his was very interested in the answering hardness that was pressing against it through Ianto's slacks.

“But I need you, Ianto,” Jack murmured into his neck, his hands tugging at Ianto's shirt. “It's a very urgent matter.”

“I bet it is,” Ianto murmured, catching Jack's lips in another kiss before pulling back. “But you're on your own this can take care of this,” He reached down and gripped Jack's twitching erection, giving it a squeeze that had Jack gasping. “In the shower.”

While Jack was momentarily distracted, Ianto jumped back and out of his arms. He dashed away, stopping to pick up his suit jacket on his way to the door, chuckling at Jack's obvious distress. His good humor evaporated as the vision of Jack leaning against the mirror, both sides of his naked body on display and his erect cock standing to attention, tested his resolve. He closed his eyes and swallowed thickly, ignoring his own arousal at the sight. They'd never get to work at this rate.

He took a deep breath and then turned to walk out of the room, calling over his shoulder. “Hurry up and have a shower, I'll make you some toast.”

“I'd rather have you,” Jack called back, and Ianto chuckled. Mornings with Jack were never boring.

jack/ianto, torchwood

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