Isn't it funny how...

Jan 15, 2008 23:38

once you finish something momentous (which is how I feel about Something's Started, it ended at just under 190,000 words, which amazes me to no end. Fuck me, I wrote a novel!) that instead of being drained of ideas, you find yourself brimming with all kinds of new ones?

I am working on my still unfinished Molly/Arthur fic from way back, as well as a new bunny for slythindor100's double entendre fun. Plus I have another bunny each for R/S and H/D. Oh, and I'm glad I signed up for hds_beltane, I am excited to get going on that one.

So now all I need to do is find time to write. The good news is, Baby Star is almost 4 months old now and is going to bed like a dream, much unlike her older sister, who has always been a child of the challenging ilk. So I should get some time to write every night after little star goes to bed. yay for me. And for you as well, since I'll have fic to offer.

Cheers flist. :D


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