I have the best husband ever.

Dec 06, 2006 16:17

My husband came home last night after being out of town for a few days, and he brought me back a Christmas present that he just had to give me early. Did I mention I love this man??

He bought me Darcy's Story, ( I spelt it Dracy the first time around, one track mind much? *laughs*) a retelling of Pride and Prejudice from Darcy's POV and taking into consideration his thoughts, feelings and the pressures around him...I've only read a few chapters, but it is very well written and pretty accurate I think. So yeah, it may be published, but it basically comes down to this...my husband bought me fanfic!! *falls off chair laughing* It feels like a remix, yk? Anyway, I will let you all know how it turns out to be, so you can get ahold of a copy if you feel like indulging.

I love my man. *sighs* Of course, I love our boys too...they get as much sex as my hubby does! *laughs*


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