A Way to Begin Again. (Over Tea and Cookies)

Dec 04, 2006 14:20

Title: A Way to Begin Again. (Over Tea and Cookies)
Rating: PG-13 on the outside
Word Count: 2180
Challenge: Monday Fun at

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Comments 43

chyldofeternity December 4 2006, 23:09:29 UTC
ZOMG!! I just put up with 7 inches of snow being dumped onto the ground while I was at work, digging my car out with my snow brush, wading through it in sneakers and jeans (cause they only predicted rain today...stupid weatherpeoples!) AND almost got dieded like 8 times on the way home from the crappy roads and people driving too fast *shakes fist at them damned teenagers...but ish only 22 himself >.>* BUT it was SOOOOO WORTH IT to come home to this!! OMG! SQUEE!!! *spazzhugs*

omg i'm so glad my power didn't go out so I had the chance to read this!! Ohhhh please tell me you're going to be writing another part where they kiss or something equally as sweet?! FUCK this was just sSO DAMNED GOOD! *snuggles the fic and claims it as a lover*


chyldofeternity December 4 2006, 23:11:26 UTC
oh and first comment bruhaha's go to me! squee!


aquila_star December 5 2006, 00:17:32 UTC
First comment smarties to you!! *grins*


aquila_star December 5 2006, 00:09:41 UTC
Wow, that's alot of crap to deal with. It's snowing all across the country, although it has finally started raining out here, and our snow has gone down by half.

Thanks love! I'm glad it moved you, it really crept up on me unawares. I have to admit though, if I ever do more of this in the future, it'll either be a prompt that grabs me or it'll be after I'm done at least SS if not Confessions too. Too many WIPS at once...plus I have 3 big fics uncomplete. Sheesh, lots to write. *grins*

Thanks again. *dusts the snow of you*


wizli December 4 2006, 23:31:10 UTC
Little by little you're becoming one of my favorite fic writers ^-^. It's in the gentleness of your characters, the feeling of humanity they produce and the simple perfection of every one of your chapters, I love to read your fics. I'm so glad to have found your LJ after I read the first chapters of "Something's Started" 'cause now I'm fangirling you like mad! *g*

So obviously I loved this small fic!


aquila_star December 5 2006, 00:05:52 UTC
Oh wow, that is one of the nicest comments I've ever had! Thank you so much. I can't tell you how happy it makes me to know that you like my fics that much. *beams* I have to agree, I'm glad you found my lj. Compliments like tht really go a long way. Thanks again.

I'm glad you liked it, this one pretty much came out of nowhere. And I'm really happy with it. *grins*


owens_mom December 11 2006, 18:10:04 UTC
You hit the nail on the head with that one! She is such a great writer.


wizli December 11 2006, 20:35:36 UTC
She's great, isn't she? ^^

*cookies for the writer*


pervy_fairy December 5 2006, 00:46:59 UTC

This was all sorts of lovely! Excellent writing. ♥
And the boys sharing the last cookie was just too cute for words!

*snuggles you and teh adorable fic*


aquila_star December 5 2006, 01:00:54 UTC
Thanks so much. *grins* I couldn't resist the last cookie. *snuggles you back*


lilliputian722 December 5 2006, 00:51:41 UTC
Really excellent job. Any chance for a follow-up?


aquila_star December 5 2006, 01:02:22 UTC
Perhaps. If so likely not for awhile. *crumbles under the workload* Thanks for commenting. *grins*


lisbet December 5 2006, 04:18:48 UTC
Best Christmas ever! Yes! Loved it:)


aquila_star December 5 2006, 04:49:54 UTC
Thank you. It will be, I'm sure.


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