Talk about a work load.

Nov 16, 2006 00:36

So today I spent a bit of time writing chapter 22 in Something's Started, and I must say I'm pleased with it so far. But the funny thing was, I have been drawn back into several of my other fics. So I have expanded on chapter 8 of Confessions, it's far from being finished; but I'm glad that it has wormed it's way back into my brain, I had been thinking of it quite a bit this last week.

I also wrote quite a big chunk in one of my R/S fics...The Reason Why. I don't know why, but I opened up my notebook and the parts I had written months ago just called to me and I knew I had to put them in the computer. In the process I discovered that I had thrown out a huge chunk of ficcage...and I was NOT PLEASED. My only saving grace was that this part was only a basic rendering, I had intented to flesh it out quite a bit when I typed it all in, so I ended up just thinking about the moments and going from there. I am fairly pleased, I think what I've got now is much better than what the notes were promising, so I suppose it's a curse/blessing type thing.

I've also worke da bit on my ever ongoing Molly/Arthur fic that is pretty close to completion. I have to say that this fic is the closest to being finished out of all the others. I only have a few sections to go and it'll be done, as compared to my two big R/S fics and SS and Confessions, my monster H/D's...both of which I have no idea how long they'll  end up being. I anticipate at least 10 chaptes for Confessions and 30 for SS, but we'll see. I feel the drive to finish this M/A fic, it's been in the works for quite awhile now, and I quite like it. It's sweet and fluffy and fleshes out their story, imho.

Anyway, no new chapter of SS tonight, but have no fear, it's coming along, as is the rest. Now, my fingers are stiff from typing and I need to relax them by reading some fic. Flist, here I come.


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