I do not

Jun 05, 2012 19:00

frequently post about my job or work online as I do not want to become one of those examples that HR or CNN use about what not to post. I am however going to post about work today.

Several months ago, I applied for a spot in the Certified Solution Architect (CSA) program that my company offers. It is a relatively new program that is around a year old. I am currently in a management program for Program Managers, which quite frankly, I am not. I am a technician and a solution architect, not a program manager. This new program would have been a good fit for me and my skills and where I really want to head with my career.

Today, I found out I was not selected for the program. I am partially disappointed and yet, not all that broken up and I'm not sure why. I am a little annoyed that another in my department was selected but I also suspect that they had help from management on putting together their application, assistance I neither sought (and probably should have), nor was I offered (I suspect they were). That's really nothing more than annoyance however.

Part of the reason that I'm not that upset is that I am facing a stupid amount of work between now and the end of the year. We have 3 Federal mandates to implement by Jan 1 and 4 more major projects on the core system. Add to that 2 separate additional contracts; one awarded this time last year and one awarded Monday. All of this and I am the ONLY Data/Database Architect in portion of the company. I have finally been given permission to hire a minion, but I'm still facing a stupid amount of work. I effectively will be doing 3 (or more) people's work. The CSA program is on top of the day job, thus that would be a 4th job.

The real point is, I should be more upset and I don't know why I'm not.

I do know that I will be ensuring that as far up the food chain as I can rattle will realize that I'm doing all the data work on every project up here.


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