Nicole/Maeve - a lesbian domestic violence storyline

Jul 18, 2020 22:38

OK, this is really pleasing to see, an actual lesbian domestic violence storyline, worked around Nicole and Maeve's deepening relationship.

And oh dear, it's been a while since I did a recap, which means there's about 18 episodes to recap. Can I blame the global pandemic?

Episode 6974 Wednesday 6th March

So we might just breeze on past Drew and Nicole's homemade hooch giving them methanol poisoning and temporary blindness...

Episode 6975 Monday 11th March

Episode 6977 Wednesday 13th March

And Nicole and Maeve having Marty and Dawn round for an awkward brunch...

Episode 6978 Monday 18th May
This is when we first get the seeds of the domestic violence storyline being laid. I'm so glad the pandemic didn't stop this story happening.

When Wilder comes to stay the night Saskia dumps and runs so we don't get to see her yet.

He's dubious about the trip to Wellington that he's going on with Saskia and her new partner Jodie, despite a chance to see the colossal squid at Te Papa.

Maeve describes Saskia as disorganised and always late, and Jodie as a clothes horse - with great taste in fashion.

Maeve wants Wilder to get along with Jodie since he lives with them most of the time, but Nicole points out that she may need to tone down the potshots she takes at her, because Wilder does pick up on her attitude.

Maeve talks to Wilder about it - he points out they are microagressions - and he promises to make an effort with Jodie.

I'm loving the happy family images in these episodes.

Episode 6980 Wednesday 20th May
Skipping ahead past Boyd and Zara's engagement party,

Episode 6981 Monday 25th May
Eddie getting beaten up by a bodysnatching creep

Episode 6982 Tuesday 26th May
Maeve mentoring Shereez

Episode 6983 Wednesday 27th May
the anthrax scare

Episode 6984 Monday 1st June
Episode 6985 Tuesday 2nd June
and Leanne moving in with Nicole for 2 1/2 seconds

Episode 6986 Wednesday 3rd June
and Nicole's supportive role in Dawn and Marty's lovelife...

Episode 6989 Wednesday 10th June
Opens with Maeve on the phone, berating Saskia because Wilder had a horrible time in Wellington. Wilder walks in and hears, Nicole gets Maeve'a attention so she takes the phone outside and Nicole tells Wilder Maeve is just worried about him. Wilder says he is sick of the bickering, and maybe he shouldn't have told Maeve. Nicole says they always want to know, but Wilder isn't sure he always wants to talk about his feelings. He apologises to Nicole, says she is very nice but he already has enough mothers and doesn't really need another one.

At the beach Pele is making a big sand castle with Nicole's help,

Wilder is sifting sand with a spade in a depressed kinda fashion. Nicole admits he might be a bit old for this, and motions to Eddie arriving in the carpark with his ambulance. Eddie says he needs some help with the siren and is looking for an assistant, both boys excitedly run off to check out the ambulance. Maeve says she's not sure this is an appropriate use of District Health Board resources but she loves it. Nicole admits it helps to have brother's with sirens. She says that there's a lot of oestrogen whirling around Wilder and that she thought maybe some guy time might help. Maeve says "what so two mums is too much?" Nicole: No, but four mums might be pushing it". In the background the siren wails.

Wilder is disappointed when he isn't allowed to help when Eddie is called to an injured beach user, but he does get to see his Mum in action.

Later: Maeve: he's going to turn into a huge testosterone filled teen soon isn't he? Well at least we can send him to Eddie when he wants to talk about driving or cars or
Nicole: Girls?
Maeve: Pretty sure I have that covered at least.

Episode 6990 Monday 15th June
Wilder plays Eddie at chess while Pele watches and Maeve and Nicole prepare dinner.

Wilder promises to teach Pele. Tilly (Esther's niece) arrives to call Eddie for dinner.

She asks why they don't lock the door; both kids know about the Creep that has been grabbing street kids.
After they leave Wilder asks if he can stay for a few more days.

Maeve says his Mama will be expecting him, Nicole says he'll be back soon and they can look forward to that.

Nicole suggests Maeve invite Saskia and Jodie to dinner, Maeve is unsure but later lets Nicole know that Saskia is keen for them all to get to know each other.

But later Saskia rings to say Wilder has run off. Maeve rings around his friends to see if they've seen him

and then heads off to look for him. She rings Nicole from the park, very worried because The Creep still hasn't been caught.

Episode 6991 Tuesday 16th May

Tilly calls TK because she sees someone climbing the wall outside their apartment.

TK goes outside and brings Wilder in, Tilly recognises him, she tells TK he has four mothers, Wilder says he has three because Jodie hates him and he hates her. TK asks if Maeve knows where Wilder is and takes him back to Nicole and Maeve's.

Saskia arrives at Nicole and Maeve's,

rushes to Wilder, obviously beside herself, Maeve's starts in on her "you lost our boy"

Saskia: "Like you're the perfect parent" and Wilder begs them to stop fighting

"I hate it, I hate it". Nicole says there won't be any more fighting and introduces her self to Saskia. Saskia apologises to Wilder and says let's go home, but Wilder says he doesn't want to, he's sick of all the yelling.

Maeve says "No, Wilder will stay with us." Saskia argues, but Maeve says Wilder is staying until they find out what is upsetting him. Nicole backs her up. Saskia tries to convince Wilder to go, and eventually agrees to leave him there for one night.

Wilder asks if she'll be OK. Saskia tells him she loves him, almost in tears, and leaves.

After dinner Wilder volunteers to read Pele a story but Nicole says he needs to have a talk with his mum. Maeve asks Wilder about the fighting and shouting at his Mama's.

Wilder really doesn't want to talk about it. Nicole reminds Maeve that she hasn't helped with Wilder adjusting to Jodie.

Maeve talks to Saskia the next day,

Saskia says they never fight in front of Wilder, Maeve says he can hear them anyway. Saskia says no relationship is perfect, she asks Maeve to trust her, says she really needs her relationship with Jodie to work.

That evening Maeve tells Wilder she thinks he needs to go back home, it wouldn't be fair for him not to, or to run away again, does he understand? Wiklder nods and says he is mature for his age but he doesn't look happy. When Saskia arrives he tells her he is happy to see her. Maeve worries whether she is doing the right thing, Nicole says it is the kind thing.

Filming is definitely being done under social distancing at this point. I thought I'd miss couples being intimate, I didn't expect the discomfort from watching crying children not being comforted!

Episode 6992 Wednesday 17th June
And an episode of Nicole making faces at her mother...

Episode 6993 Monday 22nd June

Maeve invites Saskia, Wilder and Jodie to brunch

- with a lot of jokes at Jodie's expense, though she promises both Saskia and Nicole that she'll be polite in person. Nicole is worried that they don't have enough food in the horse for the following morning, she wants to go shopping straight away, Maeve distracts her with some one on one time.

Next morning only Saskia and Wilder arrive,

Saskia says Jodie's work called at the last minute, Maeve says if Jodie didn't want to come she should just have said, Saskia says she'll try calling her. Meanwhile Wilder tells Nicole that actually Saskia and Jodie had a fight

- about family time. He knows that's ironic.

Maeve notices Saskia is cradling her wrist and asks about it,

she says she strained it at the gym.

Nicole reminds Maeve not to tease about Jodie, and tells her what Wilder said. Maeve says her kid knows what is going on, and she thinks Jodie is a nasty piece of work, Nicole reminds her they're trying to make Wilder's life easier so she needs to make nice. She goes out to pick up Pele.

Saskia tells Maeve that Nicole is great; Maeve says she is, and she really wants them all to get along - but Jodie needs to try too. Saskia says Jodie will make up for it, she always does. Maeve says they need to be on the same page for Wilder. Saskia moves and Maeve sees the marks on her wrist, she asks about it again, Saskia says she told her she bumped it at the gym, Maeve says that isn't what she said before. Maeve asks if Jodie did it, Saskia insists she didn't and tells Maeve to back off.

When they go to leave Wilder says Pele doesn't want him to leave, Maeve suggests Wilder stay the night and Saskia says he can. After Saskia leaves Maeve says they are never going to their place. Nicole says she is impossible, Maeve fills he in on the bruises on Saskia's arm.

Nicole: How do you know, Saskia said something?
Maeve: No, she denied it. But I know.
Nicole: So Saskia said it didn't happen?
Maeve: She said she hurt it at the gym *scoff*
Nicole: Right, so then how can we help?
Maeve: She doesn't want help.
Nicole: Then maybe it's because it's not true?
Maeve: I saw it in her eyes, Nic.
Nicole: That's a big accusation, honey.
Maeve: I know, but I have to help.
Nicole: Well Saskia has to be willing. In full consent, all the way.
Maeve: Of course, we're medical professionals, we know how this works.
Nicole: OK, well, let's do an intervention.

Maeve arranges to meet Saskia the next day, Saskia knows somethings up from the choice of neutral territory - the park. Maeve says she just wants a chat. Saskia says doesn't Nicole like her? Maeve says the opposite, she's worried about you. Saskia asks what she's said to her, Maeve says they just want her to know their house is a safe house for her, Saskia says that's a bit over the top. Maeve says she saw the bruises, Saskia says she's making it sound like she needs to go to Women's Refuge and she doesn't. Maeve asks if it's the first time. Saskia goes on the defensive, Maeve keeps pushing and Saskia burst into tears on her shoulder.

(occasional outdoor hugs apparently allowed at this point of social distancing, I'd love to see how they worked these through in their planning)

Back at the apartment Saskia talks about what's been happening - anything she says or does is wrong, they fight, make up, and repeat. Maeve tries to get her to think about how she deserves better,

and Saskia says she's made a big mistake, but she's talking about leaving Maeve, she apologises for hurting Maeve and starts saying they can have it back and be a family again. Maeve keeps saying she's with Nicole, Saskia says she still loves her.

Episode 6995 Wednesday 24th June

Maeve says No, she loves Nicole. Nicole and Wilder arrive back from the playground and interrupt them,

Wilder is full of climbing the rope. (I rather love his line here about engaging his muscles and manly things happening). When Maeve says they have to go out soon Saskia grabs Wilder and leaves. Nicole is confused "I can pick up Pele by myself",

Maeve is "No I'm going with you."

They talk, Nicole asks what happened,

Maeve says they didn't get far, and tells Nicole Saskia made a move and she wants Maeve back, she reassures Nicole she doesn't want Saskia.

Nicole tells Maeve she needs to ring Saskia and talk to her some more, Maeve is astounded and says she doesn't want to, it's done. Nicole says Saskia made a big mistake and she's only realising that now,

that Maeve needs to really think about what she wants. Maeve says she's already quite sure, she wants to be with Nicole.

Nicole says she owes Wilder to try and talk to Saskia - that she'd cry if Maeve left her but she'd be broken if it happened further down the line, she wants Maeve to explore it seriously now.

Maeve has lunch with Saskia and Wilder,

Wilder tells Maeve that Saskia cries a lot, and she could make it better if she forgave her - she's always telling him to forgive people. Maeve says she has forgiven Saskia, Wilder says she needs to tell her. When Saskia comes back he makes an excuse to leave them alone.

Saskia asks if Nicole knows she's there,

Maeve said she it's her idea - Nicole thinks they have unfinished business. Saskia says Maeve was right, she apologises for breaking up their happy family. Maeve says she forgives her, but they can't get back together, even though Wilder wants it. They both cry at each other, Saskia says she didn't want Maeve to hate her anymore. Wilder watches from a distance.

At home Maeve tells Nicole about it and says that she feels a weight is lifted, she thanks Nicole, Wilder interjects from the doorway. He apologises to Nicole, asks if she'll be Ok because he likes her. Nicole says she likes him too. It becomes apparent that he thinks his mums are getting back together. Maeve has to explain that they aren't, Nicole goes and hangs awkwardly outside while Maeve explains to him that they aren't, and that she is happier for meeting Nicole.

(Maeve needs to stop telling Wilder he is so smart and that he can handle these things - it's not fair and it doesn't work that way)

Episode 6997 Tuesday 31st June
Episode 6998 Wednesday 1st July
We'll skip over Leanne winning lotto, losing the ticket and blaming a woman with dementia.

Episode 6999 Thursday 2nd July
Wilder tells Maeve there's no more arguments at his other home.

Nicole and Maeve plan to go out for the evening

but Saskia drops Wilder on there doorstep because there's a family emergency with Jodie's brother

- a brother Wilder can't name.

When Saskia arrives to pick him up the next morning Maeve tries to talk to her,

Saskia says the brother has been sectioned (put under psychiatric care), Maeve isn't convinced there isn't something else going on, but Saskia rushes Wilder away.

When a patient comes into the clinic with injured ribs from "falling down the steps" at home Maeve tries to get her to open up, but the woman is adamant her boyfriend had nothing to do with it, eventually the woman asks for a different nurse.

Maeve arranges to meet with Saskia,

starts by apologising to her for jumping to conclusions, but then asks if Jodie has ever been violent with her. Saskia denies it, tells her not to put ideas in Wilder's head and angrily leaves.

That evening at home Maeve tells Nicole about it, she thinks she's been projecting, Nicole says at least they can move past it now.

There's a knock on the door and Wilder runs in, obviously upset.

As he tries not to cry Maeve rushes out the door and calls Saskia to come back - she reluctantly does - she's wearing very large sunglasses. Saskia says Wilder needs to stay with Maeve tonight, and goes to leave, Maeve asks her to take the glasses off and Saskia does, revealing a very fresh black eye.

Episode 7000 Friday 3rd July
Maeve has Saskia applying ice to her face.

Saskia's trying to downplay it, Maeve asks if the story about Jodie's brother was a lie as well. Saskia said she was trying to hide what was happening from Wilder, while he hadn't heard more arguments, behind closed doors it got worse. Maeve says they aren't going back there. Saskia says it's her fault, she wrecked her marriage with Maeve and cheated with a woman who beats her. Maeve says that's bunkum, Saskia says doesn't she deserve this? Maeve says it's all on Jodie.

Nicole and Wilder come back in after making up the spare bed (the everlasting question of just how many bedrooms those apartments have is not answered), Wilder says now they have to go to the police. Saskia refuses, Wilder is disbelieving "But Mum, she hit you!" Saskia says she is tired and will call them tomorrow.

Saskia is cooking breakfast,

Wilder is asking once again when she's going to call the police, Saskia tells him he doesn't have to worry, they're never seeing Jodie again. Wilder asks if they are living there for now - Maeve jumps in with a "for now".

Leanne walks in (unlocked soap front doors) and Maeve introduces her to Saskia, Leanne is polite, but clocks the eye,

Wilder starts explaining more than Saskia wants to share. Nicole arrives, calling an offscreen Pele for school, and refuses Leanne's offer to take Pele so Nicole can "keep an eye" on things at home.

Nicole arrives home to find Saskia there - she says Maeve has gone to the supermarket. She says she's feeling better - it's over with Jodie and she's grateful for their help. She asks if Nicole wants her to leave, Nicole says no, but that it is awkward, especially since Saskia told Maeve she still loves her. Saskia asks if Nicole feels threatened, Nicole responds with "Should I be?" Saskia says she just got nostalgic because Jodie was being awful - but then she hears Maeve coming in the door and says "You do want me to go"

so that Maeve comes in going "What's going on?" and Nicole doesn't know what to say.

Maeve and Nicole talk, Maeve is worried Nicole is driving Saskia right back to her abuser, Nicole asks if Saskia has other friends and families that could help her, Nicole says she is worried it won't end well. Maeve hits back with "So you don't trust me"

and Nicole says she does, but not the situation, Nicole says anyone can cheat, she has. Maeve asks how she can trust Nicole then, and Nicole says "I'm not the one living with her hot ex-wife who worships her." Maeve finally admits it's unfair on Nicole, and says she'll find somewhere else to say - Nicole is now the one saying they can't just kick her out.

When they talk to Saskia she's all "United front to eject the interloper?" and Nicole tells her she can stay for now, but Maeve says they need to find her somewhere safe for long term. They promise she can visit and see Wilder.

And then there's a knock on the door and it's Jodie.

Maeve tries to send Saskia and Wilder upstairs, Jodie begs Saskia not to leave her.

Episode 7001 Monday 6th July
Jodie says she just wants to talk to Saskia, Nicole says there are children here, Saskia tells Jodie she's drunk.
Jodie talks about Saskia being gone,

back with Maeve, Maeve says they aren't back together,

Saskia is just trying to get away from her. Jodie threatens Maeve and Nicole goes to call the police. Saskia says they can call Jodie a taxi and talk in the morning. Jodie says she just want to talk, and then yells at Maeve again. Wilder come back downstairs, and though Nicole and Maeve try to get him to leave

he yells at Jodie to leave his mum alone. Saskia tells Wilder she is fine and goes to leave with Jodie,

even as Wilder and Maeve beg her not to.

Nicole and Maeve talk quietly

- they had called the police and asked them to check in on Saskia. Maeve is worrying over Jodie's hold over Saskia, she says she can't compete, Nciole asks if she is trying to, Maeve apologises, Nicole sends her to talk to Wilder.

Later once Wilder is finally asleep she apologises again. Nicole says they can go and check on Saskia in the morning. They have a sweet talk.

In the morning Wilder doesn't want to go to school, they have to promise they're going to check on her before he will. They talk about Saskia going back to Jodie and how hard it can be to leave, and how it's affecting Wilder.

Saskia calls and arranges to meet, Maeve asks Nicole to come too, she's worried because Saskia wants to see Wilder and she doesn't want him round Jodie.

When they get to the cafe Jodie is there as well.

Jodie is being all placatory and loving towards Saskia, they say they'll be going to counselling - Maeve refuses to let Wilder go to and she and Jodie start yelling and Nicole has to intervene.

They seem to be making progress but when Maeve says any visits need to supervised things go downhill. Saskia claims Maeve is upsetting Widler by telling him thigs and that she's trying to take away her son. Jodie says "we'll see you in court", Nicole tries to calm things down, Maeve goes on the offensive, pointing out what she can tell the judge. Saskia says she can tell the judge whatever she likes, she's nothing to Wilder. Maeve says he's her son. Saskia says he's not, biologically he's not hers, he's Saskia's. They leave Maeve looking devastated.

Episode 7002 Tuesday 7th July
Maeve chases after them,

Nicole says Maeve is just as much Wilder's mother

and Maeve says her name is on the birth certificate. Saskia says that's not like giving birth.

Maeve says she'll fight for Wilder.

At home Wilder asks if Saskia is OK, and why he can't see her - he thinks he needs to be there to protect her.

He's disappointed that Maeve isn't trying to save her.

After he mopes upstairs Maeve worries about what she can do - she can't tell him his other mother is trying to take him away. Nicole suggests they ring Saskia, see if she is calmed down. Maeve says things are going to get worse before it gets better - she needs to get a lawyer.

Next day she has started that process, she tells Nicole she should have sorted out the paper work back when the laws changed. Nicole says it's significant that she is on the birth certificate. Maeve says she trusted Saskia. Nicole points out she has been a parent to Wilder fromt he very beginning, but Maeve's not sure a judge will recognise that. Nicole asks if she sure about going to court. She points out that mediation will be required first, Maeve is sure that won;t work. Nicole asks if she's sure about asking for full custody because Widler loves Saskia. Maeve is worried that she can't protect Wilder without it. Nicole says keep him safe but don't break his heart while doing it.

Maeve gets a phonecall saying Saskia's lawyers will want to interview Wilder.

She worries about what effect it will have on him, Nicole says he has a right to be heard, Maeve says yes, but how guilty will it make him feel to have to choose? She says Saskia is also going for full custody, she's angry at her but Nicole points out that Saskia is also a victim in this, and Jodie will be pulling her strings.

Saskia meets Maeve at the IV.

She's annoyed about the calls from the lawyer. Maeve wants to try and works things out between them. Saskia doesn't like Jodie being made out to be a monster. Maeve tries to get her to acknowledge the abuse. Saskia asks why she cares. Maeve says there will always be love there, Saskia asks if they could try again, Maeve says she's with Nicole, Saskia says she's aking her to choose between her lover and her son, Maeve says yes, she's asking her to choose Wilder. Saskia gets a txt and says she has to leave. Maeve asks her to please think about it.

The next day Saskia arrives at the door

- they had another fight and Jodie pushed her. She says Maeve was right, she's always scared, she can't keep herself safe, let alone Wilder. She says she told Jodie it's over. They offer to help her talk to the police and get a restraining order.

Saskia tells Wilder Jodie is gone for good,

he drags her upstairs to look at some experiment, but Saskia thanks Nicole and Maeve first.

Nicole and Maeve 2020 and Nicole and Zara 2019
Nicole and Ruby 2017
Nicole and Harper 2014
Maia and Jennifer 2011 through to Nicole and Lana 2012 plus some more Shorty history
This entry was originally posted at

femslash recap, tl;dr, shortland street, nicole/maeve

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