Do I have to write this one? I refuse to fill this with pics of Chris and Jav, so expect lots of Nicole Miller's face reaction shots.
Episode 6788-
6789 Monday 29th July 2019
Nicole and Zara kissing by the lifts at work, Jav lurking.
He asks Zara if they can talk, she says he said he'd back off, he says the divorce papers have arrived, she says he just has to sign them, he says they have children together, money and property.
Here's where Zara should say she'll only talk about it with him with a lawyer present, but he convinces her to meet him to talk that evening, alone.
When he leaves Nicole points out how sneaky he is being. Zara just wants the papers signed.
Nicole and her brother chat about their respective girlfriends, Nicole complains about the ex showing up, supposedly "to spend quality time with his daughter". Eddie asks if Zara would go back to Jav, Nicole says "No we're good, I just don't trust him as far as I can kick him".
There's drama happening around the hospital with the autoclaves being out of action, which means Chris needs to make a deal with Jav after all, he asks Zara if that would be OK, she says Yes, in fact she says Jav seems to have changed, he's being really considerate. (Um, Zara, really? Last week he was saying horrible things to your girlfriend, he's done nothing decent since then). But she does say she's on the way to sign her divorce papers.
That evening at her place she listens to Jav confirm the deal for the autoclaves over the phone. She's impressed he didn't hike the price up "like you usually would". He says it's because she works there. They start to look at the divorce papers but he starts reminiscing - their wedding day, he says he failed her. He gets upset and says he can't do it right now. See - this is why you do this through lawyers, Zara! He leaves.
We see Nicole leave a message for Zara the next morning "I missed you last night, babe, I hope things went alright with Jav."
Jav meets with Chris who says the District Health Board won't cover the payment for the autoclaves, Jav uses this to push for a chance to invest in Shortland Street. Chris tells Zara, she says she can handle it and it's good for the hospital so do it.
Nicole overhears a conversation between Zara and Rav.
Rav calls the investment financial security for Rani - he wants to put both Zara and Rani's names on it, he uses talking about it to get another dinner with her, says he'll be more composed about finalising the divorce papers this time.
Jav knows Nicole is hearing all this.
Nicole goes to see Zara in her office, Zara admits they didn't sign the papers - Nicole calls his upset crocodile tears, but Zara says she knows him better than that, he's changed. Nicole says he's found a new way to manipulate her, he's reeling her back in. They argue, Zara says she doesn't need Nicole running her life, she's had enough of that with Jav (yes, listen to yourself, Zara!), Nicole says he's still doing it, and Zara accuses Nicole of being jealous, Nicole says she's worried for her. Zara says she's scared because Zara has a man back in her life (Nicole's reaction to this is perfect).
Nicole says she won't be put second again. Zara says she won't choose her over the father of her child. Nicole storms out.
When Jav arrives at Zara's she's still upset, he assures her the autoclaves are on their way, she says it's not that and he surmises problems with Nicole. She admits they had a fight. He hugs her and comforts her, when he kisses her she backs off, and brings up the divorce papers.
He tells her he wants her back, she says no, she's with Nicole, tells him to just sign the papers. He turns, grabbing her arm so it hurts and telling her he wants her and Rani and he always gets what he wants. She fights back and he leaves, but not before reiterating that he gets what he wants and no one gets in his way.
Chris and Nicole talk about the patient backlog and the autoclaves, she brings up Jav's company, she says "you know what that man's like". Chris says Zara OKed it, Nicole says "So now Jav, the man who has bullied and controlled Zara now owns a share in her workplace." Chris says he did what he needed to do for the hospital, Nicole says it isn't right, Chris says it's above Nicole's pay grade and the deal has been done.
Nicole and Zara bump into each other outside the locker room, Nicole apologises for yesterday, "So the situation with you and Jav" "There is no me and Jav" "I meant the hospital investment, Chris said you were ok with it." Zara is agitated: "That was a mistake, I keep making mistakes, with Jav, with you." Nicole reaches towards her, "Hey it was just one fight" but Zara backs away
"No, it's more than that, I can't be with you." "What?" "It's over." Nicole asks "are you serious?" and then goes on as she tries to make sense of it "because you were never really into it in the first place? this experiment was a mistake and now you want to go back to normal." "I don't know what I want." "But you don't want me?"
Zara just says "It's better for you that we're not together" Nicole nods, says "I think you might be right."
Zara says "I thought people could change" and Nicole says "So did I" and Zara says "I'm sorry" as Nicole leaves.
And then crying Zara goes to see Chris, dammit. She says she was wrong about Jav, about everything, she messed up. She tells Chris Jav threatened her, that Jav hasn't changed he's still a power hungry manipulator. Chris asks if she's safe, can she stay at Nicole's? She says she and Nicole broke up, he says she can stay at his if neccessary, but thankfully this doesn't go further. She says she's worried about Rani, Chris says her safety is the most important thing, and not to worry about the hospital.
The autoclaves have arrived, Chris orders them sent back, in front of the Nicole and Drew, saying the deal was unacceptable. Drew thinks Chris is nuts, Nicole stays silent.
Later that evening Jav comes to see Chris, tells him Zara has a tendency to paranoia and hates men, Chris says he believes her and the deal is off. Jav tries to give him the autoclaves as a gift, and tells him to save the hospital and his staff, Chris shakes hands with him.
I definitely think Zara broke up with Nicole to protect her, but whether the show plans to continue them together is up in the air.
Nicole has two brief scenes on Tuesday, all work related.
Episode 6791 Wednesday 31th July 2019
Leanne is back from her holiday, she's brought Nicole a box of tea - she hands her two saying one for her and one for Zara.
Nicole: "Oh, you brought duty free for Zara."
Leanne: "I didn't want her to feel left out."
The always-helpful Damo "Oh she's way out."
Nicole admits "We broke up", Leanne's immediate question is "Who dumped who? and Damo jumps in with "Zara dumped Nicole."
Leanne is all "How dare she", Nicole says "It's OK", Damo's pantomiming "It's not OK." Leanne gets all comforting, "Come and tell me every little detail", Nicole turns to Damo and says "Help me" and he actually comes through, distracting Leane with the fact that Eddie and Angel are back on. Nicole warns Leanne not to spoil things between them and then has to let Leanne know that Angel is now Chris' executive assistant.
Excellent comedic byplay in this scene. While the show's use of Leanne and Damo often really annoys me they can be very good.
Later the three of them are in the tearoom listening to music
by the artist Eddie and Angel are trying to get to headline the music festival - Hypeman.
Thursday Nicole is in one more scene with her family about the music festival.
Episode 6793 Friday 2nd August 2019
Zara thanks Chris for saying no to Jav (he doesn't correct her) and she says Jav seems to be pulling his head in. Shortly after Rani and Jav show up with a new tablet Jav bought Rani - this is like a week after he bought her a new phone and laptop for her birthday.
Zara is angry and accuses Jav of trying to buy Rani's love, she wants to take it away but realises she can't.
The next day Jav shows up with a fancy new car for Rani, Zara is furious, which of course is the reaction Jav was going for. Zara is discussing all this with Chris, who tries to talk her down - she accuses him of being on Jav's side, he says he's just playing peacemaker but when Jav shows up he reveals the deal he and Chris made. Zara tells him to stay out her families busines and goes and confiscates the keys to the car.
So, we'll see on Monday's double ep if the show intends any more Nicole/Zara, if not I'll discontinue these recaps.
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