boys and girls club was crazy today.. seeing as i ran the whole thing by myself. 30 kids + me. we had so much fun though - at the park and doing homework together. my heart stopped beating for about a minute though at the park, maybe because i was kind of stressed.. me collapsed in the grass with all these kids was not a good thing to happen. mrs phyllis saved me by the end of the day though when she got back from her emergency. she wants to take me out to lunch. i love her (she's amazing). he asked if i was her daughter. i could only wish i was.
hmm this is what i do instead of schoolwork..
Who was the last person you talked to online? phil
Who have you known the longest? cristin
Who do you talk to online the most? dave
Who do you talk to on the phone most? becca or davey
Who do you trust the most? claire
Who listens to your problems? most of my friends would.. i don't like to talk about them.
Who do you fight with the most? megan?
Who is the shyest? phil, haha
Who is the nicest? ben
Who is the sweetest? becca
Who is the smartest? steve
Who is the ditziest? claire or heather <3 (in a good way)
Who is the best singer? claire
WHO WAS THE LAST FRIEND... disappoint you? i'm not sure. ask you out? phil make you cry? emmy (not because she's so mean ;)
...brighten up your day? ben
...that you thought about? meg went to the movies with? meg, claire, phil & jon i think.. talked to on the phone? becca
...who slept in your bed? meg saw? kirsten and becca
Three Things That Scare Me:
1. not getting better
2. my mom
3. snakes.
Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. claire
2. my sister
3. ben
Three Things I Love:
1. God
2. music, alcohol, and kittens :p
3. helping people
Three Things I Hate:
1. myself
2. being sick
3. how i look
Three Things On My Desk:
1. iPOD
2. pictures
3. sparkly nailpolish
Three Things I'm Doing Right Now:
1. not doing math..
2. listening to daft punk
3. getting ready to go to the boys and girls club
Three Things I Can Do:
1. play piano
2. play soccer ( :P )
3. scary donald duck noises.
Three Ways To Describe My Personality:
1. sad
2. loving
3. quiet
Three Things I Can't Do:
1. fly an airplane (wish i could though)
2. talk loudly
3. do a split.
Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. sigur ros
2. nerina pallot
3. starry eyed surprise (the rollerskating diet*coke commercial!)
Three Favourite Foods:
1. fruit (mangos, kiwis, starfruit, and raspberries)
2. sushi
3. crabs
Three Beverages I Drink Regularly:
1. water
2. gatorade
3. alcohol