
Nov 06, 2010 23:39

Took me long enough. These are the answers from the I-have-a-list-of-characters-that-you-should-ask-me-silly-questions-about Game. Let's do this.

The characters I picked:
1. Miranda Priestly (The Devil Wears Prada)
2. Mundungus Fletcher (Harry Potter)
3. Dagny Taggart (Atlas Shrugged)
4. Sparrowhawk (A Wizard of Earthsea)
5. Karen Eiffel (Stranger than Fiction)
6. Con (Sunshine)
7. Menolly (Harper Hall Trilogy)
8. Dumbledore (Harry Potter)
9. Edward Cullen (Twilite)
10. Joan Holloway (Mad Men)
11. Richard Castle (Castle)
12. Creed Bratton (The Office)
13. Inara Serra (Firefly)
14. Dawn Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
15. Romeo (Leo DiCaprio's version)

The questions:

from grammar_glamour : How would 3 (Dagny Taggart) and 4 (Sparrowhawk) react to RPattz dying in 9/11 OR the experimental musical stylings of RPattz Dies in 9/11.

As for Rpattz actually dying, Dagny wouldn't react at all because she doesn't know him, and would probably be looking for business opportunities in the aftermath of 9/11. Or opportunities to rehabilitate the current economic system more to her liking. Sparrowhawk would be saddened at the great loss of life, and in his older years would probably take a journey to find out more about why the attacks happened and what could be done to restore balance to the world.

For those who don't know about the musical stylings of Rpattz Dies in 9/11 (which is pretty much everybody), it's a proposed experimental noise band slash pawn of the Illuminati that features songs like "Ambiguously Sexed Bicycles," "Remember Me? I Died in 9/11" and "Derp." Dagny would hate it, guaranteed. I think Sparrowhawk would laugh.

from bassplayer1231 : 4 (Sparrowhawk), 6 (Con) and 8 (Dumbledore) are invited to the same job interview. They are told that the one who will get the job is the one who can betray the worst secret about at least one of the others. Who would decline to participate, if any, who would say what about whom, and who would likely win?

I find this question hilarious, because I don't think any of them would even find themselves in this situation to begin with. They all operate on an extremely strict (albeit personal) moral code. In his youth, Sparrowhawk might be tempted to betray Dumbles, saying what he overheard at wizard school, that he conspired with Grindlewald and killed his own sister (it would all blurt out in a gush and he'd feel badly afterwards). I mean, the all have deep dark secrets (Dumbles and Grindlewald, Sparrowhawk messed around with deep magic before he had the understanding and loosed the Shadow, Con is a vampire who's probably done some awful, awful things) but they all kind of seem like variations on the same archetype to me, and I can't see any one of them betraying the others.

from Dana bassplayer1231: 7 (Menolly) and 9 (Edward Cullen) conspire to get 13 (Inarra) and 15 (Romeo) on a romantic get-together. 14 (Dawn) hears about it and attempts to thwart their schemes. Write how this will play out.

Romeo has been pining over Inarra. She is obviously older, so he feels like he has no chance with her, but he steals glances every chance he can, lurks in the hallway outside her room, tore out a photo of her from the newspaper and pinned it by her bed. (I'm imagining this all taking place at Harper Hall, where Menolly, Ed, Romeo and Dawn are students and Inarra has stopped by for a few months to work on her singing voice.) Menolly, who's friends with Romeo, is absolutely fed up with his behavior and mentioned the fact to Wardo, who while not fed up, wants to see Romeo succeed as a victory for the sappy, pining, emo underdogs everywhere. The devise a plan to set up a romantic candlelight dinner in some cloister somewhere, which Menolly pitches to Inarra as a blind date in one of their classes together (because Menolly is just that advanced). Inarra, who feels like her seduction skills need a little workout, agrees.

Dawn, when she finds out, is furious. She has been OMG IN LOVE WITH ROMEO since she first saw him on her first day at Harper Hall, and has secretly been hoping he'll notice her and ask her out for years, even though he's a year older. She probably throws things. When she calms down, she finds Menolly tells her that this plan is gross and wrong and needs to be stopped. Menolly just laughs her off, and Wardo won't give her the time of day.

On the night of the date, Inarra arrives to the designated spot first, but doesn't notice Dawn lurking around the corner supposedly studying her choir part. When Romeo shows up (he brought flowers), Inrra is completely flabbergasted--she expected an actual (of age!) man. She is, of course, unflappable, so makes a gracious excuse and leaves, while Romeo stares like a sick puppy after her. Dawn picks this time to come skipping down the hall wearing her best NOTICE ME I'M CUTE smile, but Romeo totally brushes her off.

Inarra eventually confronts Menolly about exactly what was she trying to do, and Menolly bursts out laughing (she's heard about the whole thing from Wardo got tracked down and chewed out by an irate Romeo after the non-date). After she hears about Romeo's crush, Inarra feels bad that she was so abrupt ending the date, but she still laughs.

Don't worry, Dawn, you're just his type. He'll notice you eventually.

from bassplayer1231 : Why was 6 (Con) afraid of 7 (Menolly)?


...Actually, that kind of works. Because Con is a vampire, and so is Edward. And if Menolly offed Eddikins (which she totally could because she's badass), she might very well off Con too. I think Con would also be afraid of Menolly's intensity; she reminds me a bit of Rae, and I think Con is a little bit afraid of Rae.

from althene : 1 (Miranda Priestly), 8 (Dumbledore), 12 (Creed), and 14 (Dawn) take a cross-country road trip together. How did they end up on this trip? Why are they making this trip? What sort of mayhem ensues during the trip?

I cannot for the life of me figure out why the four of them would be in a car together. I can see Creed as a chauffeur, driving Miranda around NY and offering up Creed-isms that give her ideas for the magazine. I can see Dumbles and Dawn meeting at some anti-Dark Arts meeting and striking up a quirky friendship, maybe even being pen pals. I can even see Dawn working as an intern at Runway during college, while she's trying to rebel against demon-slaying and California and her sister.

Well, I guess that's the scenario: There is an apocalypse. Dumbles has come to the US to see what he can do to help, and is staying with Dawn in NY. They find out that the Hellmouth is acting up, but can't board a plane because the FAA has grounded all flights until whatever "terrorist attack" ends. Dumbles can apparate to Cali, but doesn't want to leave Dawn alone. They're discussing this one day, but she's also trying to get to her internship because she knows she'll be fired if she's late. He's interrogating her on possible methods of travelling to Cali, and she says "By car, I guess." He grabs the first car he finds, which is of course Miranda and Creed's car. Miranda gives Dumbles an icy stare and commands Creed to stop the car and let her out, but Dumbles is in the front seat in full on do-what-I-say mode, and also Miranda can't do magic. She eventually figures out that Dawn looks familiar (she'd been assisting a runthrough the day before) and demands an explanation from her. Dawn spends New York through Ohio trying to explain about demons and the apocalypse and how they're trying to get home to the slayer (with Creed's interjections every once in a while--of course he knows about vampires, are you kidding?) but Miranda just huffs and rolls her eyes and asks if they think she's stupid. Then Miranda spends hours on the phone demanding somebody at Runway get her back to NY immediately, but of course that can't happen. Meanwhile, Creed and Dumbledore bond in the front seat over wool socks and jellybeans. Creed might actually be a wizard, I wouldn't be too surprised.

Eventually they get through to Miranda, and she mobilizes the most fiercely dressed and most ruthlessly organized fighting squad the Hellmouth had ever seen.

Poor Mundungus and Karen Eiffel and Joan and Castle didn't get picked for the dance.

fandomination, mememememe

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