Jan 07, 2010 21:06
So I'm sitting here catching up on House, and I'm currently on this episode called "Epic Fail," where House once again proves he's awesome by cooking the pants off everyone (which is exciting, considering how much I can identify with him). But I digress.
There's this bit where Foreman says "The internet is a magical place." It's already an internet-centric episode, which is funny, but this particular phrase makes me perk up because it's a category I use on my fashion blog; I think I came up with it in October. I guess the writers and I are thinking on the same level? I don't know.
I do want to know, though. So I google it. And my blog is the very first result. Out of 30,500,000. First!
It doesn't take much to make me happy (usually just a few random points that I can string together is enough), clearly. I just...whoa.
I would end with "The internet really IS a magical place," but that just seems wrong. HAH.
i love the internet,
television television,