so. new moon.

Nov 20, 2009 21:24

Last night, pellnell, grammar_glamour and I carried out our New Moon viewing plans, and had a pretty fabulous time. I got pleasantly buzzed sometime after the breakup and stayed that way for the rest of the movie.

I doubted the crowd's Commitment to Sparkle Motion (tm). I was hoping for full-on crazies, with costumes and facepaint and squealing. But (and I think this was mostly because of theater venue--we went downtown where all the cool people live) most everyone was sane, and there were a rather lot of lolfans in our theater. There was, however, a group of young teenagers with oversize white tee shirts printed with photos of abs and sharpie'd with a bunch of Team Jacob slogans. And then there was the girl with white (sparkly!) face paint with blood dripping out her mouth--I love her because she gave me a BINGO at the very end of the night.

Like I said (except I totally didn't), there was tons of inappropriate laughter. A couple rows in front of us, there was this guy whose first words were "Where should I put the non-alcoholic water?" He then spread stories about how his friend was the thug who got kicked in the balls in the first movie, and proceeded to be Bella's advocate during the movie (YOU GO, GIRL). Then there was the girls beside me who, when Bella said something about not dating Jacob when they went to the movies with Mike, said "It's because your hair is prettier than mine." And bonus: we (who giggled madly at super-inappropriate parts) didn't get killed by the srs bsns fans in the row in front of us.

Because seriously? How can you not laugh at exchanges like this:
BELLA: I'm coming.
[intensely angsty eye contact]
WARDO: I don't want you to come.


As much fun as the night was, I'm still not sure what I think about the movie. I'm definitely biased, because I love the first movie so much (it was everything I wanted and more, down to the blue filter that everyone else hates).

Essentially, I think that as much as Chardwicke laid excellent groundwork, Chris Weitz doesn't really understand the books on a fundamental level. Chardwicke did a lot of non-verbal interpretation of tone and level of unconscious creepiness that fleshed out the screen version, but Weitz just did an adaptation of the plot. The end product was more generic, more like any old teen romance and/or fantasy movie.

The score only dragged the movie down. In the first scene (I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY KEPT IN BELLA'S RIDICULOUS "OH NOES I'M GETTING OLD" DREAM), it sounded like a cheap ripoff of John Williams' stuff for Harry Potter, and for the rest of the movie I kept thinking of Old-School Who incidental music. Carter Burwell come baaaaack, your score for the first movie was so Pacific Northwest-y and I love ittt.

Also, the werewolves looked like teddy bears.

Ohohoh, my favorite part was the brief shot of Edward in Rio, with the illuminated Cristo Redentor in the background. SO GOOD. That, of course, was after the monkeys left. /GrowingUpCullen

To sum up, the movie wasn't great or really that bad, but I'm never going to like it very much (partly because Jacob was less asshole and more shirtless). I know I'll see it again with Emily, but it's never going to eclipse (hur hur) my love for the Twilight movie. THE END.

twilite, movies

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