Doctor Whoooo.

Apr 13, 2008 16:46

I'm pretty well resigned to the fact that I'm not going to update this thing unless it's about something fannish, although I do have an awesome experience from last Friday that I've got to share once I get pictures.

This week, I have a two part idea for a reaction post. Beware of silliness.

Part the First: Pictures!
Who else wanted to shout "BURN WITH ME" periodically?

"You fought her off with a water pistol. I bloody love you."
How awesome is that line? This week I'm a member of the I ♥ Donna club.

Spartacus and Spartacus for the win.

Donna, you have something on your back...

Yeah, a Weeping Angel. You shouldn't blink.

This episode has been brought to you by:

Guillermo Del Toro's imagination. *shudder*


Part the Second: A Letter.
Dear Uncle Rusty,

I appreciated this week's episode. It wasn't ridiculous, although it had its moments. You're really making me like Donna (although having her say "I'm sorry, so sorry" isn't really the best idea, yeah?). The episode actually worked, even though it seemed like you were introducing way too many plot elements. I love the idea of the Doctor, TARDIS and Donna becoming the family's household gods, and Evelina was just too cute for words.

However, your "witty" dialog about modern-day Latin being misconstrued as Welsh/Celtic by the Pompeiians is tired. You've done the "what we think is history is not what actually happened, so there" gag before. It worked a lot better in the Christmas special. The joke is tired. Give it a rest and find a new one.

And we get it. You think the Doctor is God. Move on already.

Thanks and goodnight.

PS. If you do something about the Doctor going back to Gallifrey for the season finale ("I can't go back...I just can't" plus the heavy-handed comparisons between Earth burning and Gallifrey) I think I'm going to throw something blunt and heavy at my television screen.

Caps from Time 'n' Space.

pics, doctor who? mike jones

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