1. Quick survey. To me, my layout is all mis-aligned. It looks like
>>this<<. But to some people it looks perfectly normal. So...what does it look like to everyone?
(& if aaanyone knows how to fix it, I'd love you forever <3)
2. I just spent £40 on train tickets, & ouch that hurts my student budget! But I get to see my Chaaaarlotte in 2 weeks, so it's so worth it. I miss her so, so much - going from talking to her every single day for the best part of three years to not seeing her for months at a time is horrible. I miss all my other friends from school, but her the most. She just...understood me, & it was brilliant.
3. Should be doing work. But meh, contract law sucks worse than
differentverse :op so instead I'm lying in bed, contemplating watching Sex and the City.
4. Speaking of which, Sex and the City has become an almost dangerous obsession. I just can't stop watching it. It started in '98 & I was too young then to appreciate/be allowed to watch it, so it's amaaazing to watch right from the beginning. Thank you eBay, that was £30 well spent!
5. I appear to be going through obsessive mode full stop. So so many obsessions that sorta dwindled for a few weeks/months are coming right on back - Lost, SCD, Darren & Lilia (avec muchos squeeage!), John & Claire, Lifehouse, Jack Johnson...I go through phases so badly - I can love something, not watch/listen/think about it for ages & then be right back into loving it just as much as the first time.
Call me shallow, call me whatever you want. I love it.
6. I no like the cold. & it's so, so, so cold. Normally my room is warm, but I was dragging myself out of bed (at half past fucking seven this morning) and I swear as soon as the (nice warm snuggly cocoon of) covers were removed, the temperature dropped at least 5 degrees. Took so much willpower not to stay in bed.
Be proud.
7. I feel like taking a nap.