huuuuge year-ender post

Dec 22, 2008 13:57

Okay, here's the super super super delayed lj post that I think will turn into a year-ender instead. ^^;;

SHAP school year 2008-2009 turned out well. It was my second year and I pretty much know how things go every month. I became the principal's secretary and have stopped teaching ESL to Koreans starting this year which is a true blessing considering how pasaway the Koreans are this year compared to last year.

Thanks to my officemate who is such a camera lover, we always have a record of events here in our computer. Here we are celebrating Linggo ng Wika last August:

I look rather fat in this pic...hmm. That's my officemate, Kristine. She's our official photographer in our school events.

That's me with Kristine, one of our Math teachers (in pink) and our Assistant Director at the right.

Together with some of the SHAP teachers. (So many kids in the background!)

On October, the highlight was my birthday. Unfortunately, I was sick at that time. Nevertheless, I managed to go to school on the 6th. But then I was absent for three days after that, lol.

There's my cake. Given by the administrators.

Here we are during lunchtime. I treated my officemates to Max's food. That's the principal on my right.

November is the birth month of one of my closest officemates. She also lives in Greenwoods like me. We celebrated her birthday on the 7th.

She's the fourth from the left. :D She treated us to homemade food. Yum.

On December, it was double celebration. It was the 50th birthday of the oldest member of the staff (thus, being nicknamed, the "golden girl") and also our nurse.

Hooray for another group pic.

Eating again! The place I'm sitting on is my office space. I love it, it's far from people and the phone...hahaha.

I removed this because they ate on my table. That's my one and only cutie Christmas decoration.

Two days before SHAP's Christmas Party, we had our own Admin Christmas Party. Food courtesy of Shakey's (oh, yummm).

Going for another smile pic. :D Let's eaaaat~!

Finally, eating time! Hahahhaa.

We had exchange gift after. I received:

A Parker pen. Aren't I so happy~ :D

And finally, we had our Personnel's Christmas Party on December 19th.

Kristine and I inside the Admin office. This was taken in the morning while the students are having their own parties in their classrooms.

The Admin group during the Personnel's Party. The theme was kiddie so everyone was wearing kid-type costumes.

The Admin group with our bossing, our pretty directress at the far left (wearing white and carrying her cutie daughter). I'm wearing a school uniform, haha. Recycled from my GK21 Ayane cosplay a long time ago.

Preparing for the Admin's presentation. We are doing the unano-like dance grabbed from various Bubble Gang episodes. Idea courtesy of our Guidance Counselor, haha.

Performing time! Don't we look cute??? Hahahhaah.

It was so difficult but worth it. We won first place! (That's our director at far left wearing red with his daughter, our directress)

The Admin rocked during the party. We were second place during the games and guess who won Best in Costume (for the girls):

Hahaha, me. Winning the prize with recycled clothes.

We have a video of our presentation. As soon as we get it uploaded at Youtube, I'll share it. :D Til then...I'll leave you with a:

Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to All!
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