GAH. my first entry ever! CRAZY

Jan 05, 2006 20:54

heyyy! this is my first live journal entry ever. get pumped kids. well i just got back from a psat class that went over your psat score. and i didnt do too shabby on the psat, but i could have done a lot better. thats not the point though. they were talking about college. COLLEGE. it pisses me off that college is getting so prestigious and that you have to take atleast 3 different tests just to even apply to college. its f'ing ridiculous if i might say so. how can highschool be the best years of your life when all you are doing is freaking about your grades and getting into a good college. sure, you can have fun with friends and do whatever you do to have fun... but in the back of your mind and EVERYDAY at school revovles around you going to college. sigh... for most of my life ive aimed for those ivy leagues and sure it woudl be AMAZING if i went to one, but i highly doubt it. my grades arent THAT good. and i DO want to have some sort of life in high school.. and im sure my IQ isnt that high. ive been thinking about it and how i think that i might like a college that is smaller and has a more personalized education. but i really ahve no idea. because im only 15 and a sophmore in high school. so its kind of a joke and i laugh. BUT im goign to be 16 soon


haahha. i laugh. sooooo.... i feel as thoguh i want to talk about this year. because i just got this journal shiat. SOOOOO. sophomore year... 05-06. has been different. freshman year was seriously the best year of my life EVER. i met so many new people, was invovled with a lot of activities, got the grades i wanted.. well close lol and it was just... amazing? amazing cant even describe. haha i had a lot of fun that year. THIS YEAR on the other hand. TOTAL disaster. i got good grades i guess. but i think it was a draastic change socially. i spent the last 4 months of highschool lsat year with upper classmen and it wasnt a bad thing at all it was SOOO MUCH FUN! GAHHH! godspell. i love you peeps. you know who you are. but i feel like they are gone now.. and i dont see them anymore, i cant call them everyday and be like lets hangout, or go out and get a snack afterschool, drive aroudn talk. theres no one here anymore that can talk to me about what i shoudl expect and what they went through. i think that having upperclassmen as friends helped me adjust and get comfortable with hgihschool, but it also gave me a sort of comfort that i knew that those people had been through what i had and know what im gogin through. they could help em out in times of need and sort out my head. now, that its gone i feel like i dont know what to do all the time. sometimes i feel lonely though im def. not. i have SOOO many friends that love and care for me at school and away that it doesnt really matter.

i guess all in all... i miss my buddies up in colegio the most. you know who you are my lovers :D! you guess made such a huge impact in my life and i will never ever forget freshmen year. you took care of me when i needed something, took me home when i felt sick, picked me up to go to a stupid MA rehearsal, took me places when my parents were in china, let me spend the night when i was home alone, talked with me for hours about my problems. and i just want to thank you. i love you guys SOOOOO much and i hope that we stay friends forever OKAY?! even though i knwo that im a younging and im like. 3 years younger. FUCK THAT BITCHES lol.

alright that was the most cheesy blog EVER. but its true and from my heart. a good first entry on my new livejournal LOL

soo world. come read about the amazing life of alston chiang.
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