^ Thought you might appreciate that Nicki 8B
Ugh yeah, mediocre week is mediocre.
I've been feeling rather apathetic these past couple of days, which isn't honestly like me. I feel bitter about certain things while full of does not care for others. I suppose the fact that things keep going wrong doesn't help much. Also I can't seem to draw anything to save my life anymore 8/
I tried to make some leeway on the latest 3D Modeling project I was assigned today and ultimately wound up spending 3 hours doing NOTHING. My goal was to at least get two chairs modeled for our architecture project by tomorrow seeing as how I don't have the bloody program at home (again) I decided to stay after my morning class and sit and model before I had to go to work.
The program crashed twice because apparently the computers we have at our school can't handle the program. way to go. So I got the basic shape of it modeled but it was all crooked and I couldn't make the right adjustments without screwing something up...after 3 hours I said eff it and deleted the damn thing 8/ Soooo I made one of the cabnets which took about 5 minutes. FML.
Yesterday was kind of a crap day to but
Nielrian made it so much better by coming over to my house and watching both "The Wrath of Khan" and "The Road To ElDorado" with me. We were in hysterics. Thanks hon! We have to get together again sooooon! I wish I could find "Super Troopers" though!!
Eff..I don't wanna work today ;_;