Hey all I'm back after an extended absence. Finally got another quarter of college beneath my belt and damn do it feel good =O Although next quarter looks to be a drag... ah well =3
So here is another artdump, warning crack and wrongness may be in store I am not responsible for the psychological damage that may occur. ALSO WARNING BIG POST!!!
More fanart of my latest drug. Tis Claire from Heroes! I loved her in season one and actually drew this a while back when I was watching it again and since I also play her in an RP between me and a friend =P
One of the projects I had to do for my advanced drawing class at the Art Institutes, we had to pick five styles or five artists styles to mimic and draw ourselves in that style =D fun fun
Page two =3
Another Personal Project I'm doing, this for a friend of mine. We were on the subject of horrible crossovers and saw a fanfiction of said crossover.. it was awful D8 I said I could better..and she put me up to it XD So yah it is indeed a Heroes/Sailor Moon crossover with Claire as Sailor Moon *Avoids bricks*
Maya as Sailor Mercury!
From Left to Right, Top To Bottom: Nathan as Sailor Uranus, Peter as Sailor Mars , Mohinder as Sailor Venus.. I know he should be mercury but he's just too pretty not to be venus. (Scared yet?)
Hiro as Sailor Pluto
Gabriel Grey (Sylar's alter ego) as Sailor Saturn... I made the serial killer Mistress 9 *Shudder*
Claire again as Princess Serenity
I have most of them drawn, but not scanned, missing are - Matt (Sailor Neptune), Molly (Sailor Chibi Moon), Niki (Sailor Jupiter), Noah (Star Maker) Claude (Star Healer) Issac (Star Fighter) Adam (Galaxia) Sylar (Mistress 9) Angela (Princess Kakyuu or Fireball).... good god I'm going to hell for this aren't I?? AGAIN THIS IS A GIFT D8
Enjoy and I hope you're not scraping them tasty brains off the pavement >8D