My dad and I used to watch Star Trek together. Fond memories. :> I loved it up until I realized it was ANOTHER time travel star trek movie. (though I guess this one made more sense than the whale movie...) And that was sort of a killjoy for me. But I still looooved it. It was quite shiny and pretty. Plus it had Anton Yelchin and Simon Pegg in it. So that seals the deal.
lol! my friend Angela and I were watching one of the classic episodes in the downtime we had in our classes today. It was awesome.
Yeah that kind of ruined it a little, and I'm not really sold on Uhura hooking up with Spock 8/ her and Kirk would have made a little more sense imo *Shrug shrug* I'd see it again though 8D
Yeah, it annoyed me that Abrams basically took everything that was canon and threw it out the window because he didnt feel like working within its constraints or whatever. And the only relationship Uhura and Spock had in the original was her seeing him as a mentor. So yeah, it had me going "...what now?" :\
And how. The nerd in front of me at the theater sounded morally offended when he saw the Spock/Uhura kissing scenes. He was like "WHAT?!". His offended nerd-ness made me smile. :>
But I'm mostly okay with it for the simple fact that the same way Abrams wrote off canon, I can write off the movie as being an alternate universe, therefore not effecting the real plot of the original. So I'm okay.
I loved it up until I realized it was ANOTHER time travel star trek movie. (though I guess this one made more sense than the whale movie...)
And that was sort of a killjoy for me. But I still looooved it. It was quite shiny and pretty. Plus it had Anton Yelchin and Simon Pegg in it. So that seals the deal.
Yeah that kind of ruined it a little, and I'm not really sold on Uhura hooking up with Spock 8/ her and Kirk would have made a little more sense imo *Shrug shrug* I'd see it again though 8D
And the only relationship Uhura and Spock had in the original was her seeing him as a mentor. So yeah, it had me going "...what now?" :\
But I'm mostly okay with it for the simple fact that the same way Abrams wrote off canon, I can write off the movie as being an alternate universe, therefore not effecting the real plot of the original. So I'm okay.
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