Oct 26, 2005 22:16
This has been the hardest year to get through, I dont know how to deal with shit.
I cry almost every night, it sucks
I have been so lonely lately, and it's really getting to me...
Work is too stressful and this week has been probably the worst by far
I dont want to be there and I cant take the stress level there, it's insane
I already snapped on one of the people who work there and it might happen again
I know Im a sweet person and Im attractive but I dont undretsand why I keep getting
stood up, it's so annoying at this point. It happens literally everytime....
I dont think I can tolerate getting rejected anymore even thought Im used to it
I love Chelsea and Jackie cuz without those two girls being with me at work I would
have left like last week if not sooner than that...Chelsea is awesome, she fuckin rocks
then everyone else aside from Barb and Aric can eat a fuckin dick and choke for all I care
I been hanging out with Joe alot cuz he seems to kinda understand me which is weird cuz never
would I have thought I'd hang out with him almost everyday like I have been for the past 2 weeks
now. Too bad he's not my type what so ever but ya know...(dont ever wanna think like that again *barf*)
Im gorwing up and starting to get picky with everything, who I spend time with, who I call, who I date
and who Im attracted to....blah, blah, blah and thats great but ugh....life....ugh
Im near that stage where Im going to hibernate in my room immediately after work and not
communicate with anyone cuz its how I feel.....I wish I could disappear and not be seen, it's not
too different from the way I been feeling lately anyways
I know i'll get over this at some point in my life but I been like this for a long time and
it doesnt seem to be changing anytime soon...I'm so beyond being bitter (although I still am), and Im past the flirty kinda stage...now it's like I know what I want so give it to me...kinda thing and if only I understood shit and why things happen like this then it be great but yeah, I dont
What to do? Ugh! *sighs*
Well thats about it....