Jul 20, 2004 00:26
Soccerchica81386: ok..umm i havent had the best luck with guys and then u come along and just change my life(but in a good way) and I love how much you want to make me happy...I haven't been very happy in a long time and you make me so happy...you care about my feelings..when my mom died you were there for me more than anyone else...and I appreciate that so much...
soccerchica81386: I don't really know what else to say...out of all the people I kno (even my family)...you have cared about me the most..even though we've only known each other for 3 weeks..I kno we will be together forever and we will make it through college cuz we love each other so much. I love spending time with you...your so much fun to be around...I hate saying goodbye cuz it just means i'm alone again. You always bring a smile to my face and I love that. You always make me laugh and make me feel better when i'm sad. I will always love you forever.
Awww... I love you so much Michelle, I'll always be there for you!